if, Isnumber, Match, &index query



This is a repost of an early unresolved question
What we are dealing with is monthly job sheets (#1-12) for one customer
contained in Book1. There is 3 separate identical sections on each sheet
relating to 3 differant staff members, each section is Col A:Y by 25 rows.
Col A contains dates displayed as 1st, 3rd etc. Col B contains a text
description of work carried out. Col C:X contains financial break down of
work carried out. Col Y contains Sum,C:X

If any cell in ColA is empty/ blank then that entire row will be empy/blank


Book 1 sheet1
Col A Col B Col C:X Col Y
2nd aa 5+5 £10
6th bb 2+3+5 £10
17th cc 5+5 £10
1st dd 3+2+5 £10
6th ee 4+6 £10
10th ff 2+8 £10
2nd gg 8+2 £10
6th hh 7+3 £10
17th ii 1+9 £10

I am trying to produce a edited monthly Invoice from the above data
in Book 2 but displaying as below.

Book2 Sheet1
ColA ColB ColC
1st dd 10
2nd aagg 20
6th bbeehh 30
10th ff 10
17th ccii 20
Total £ 90

I have tried this
=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(A1,A:A,0)),A1&INDEX(B:B,MATCH(a1,A:A,0))," ") but obviosly
not getting desired result.

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