Insert Excel data into sql table



I am trying to insert into a SQL table the results of some variables. Let's
say I have variables called; PHONE,LNAME,FNAME and I want to insert them
into a table called CONTACTS with Field names (FIRST, LAST, TELEPHONE)

What syntax can I use to insert the value from these variables into the
table? Also if I do not provide a SQL UID/Password, will it attempt to use
the network information form the persom logged in? Some of the code I have
come up with is below. Just seem to be missing the insert query part of it.

~~~~~~~~Code to open connection~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
'Dim MyConnection As ADODB.Connection

'Dim MySQL As String

'Set MyConnection = New ADODB.Connection

'MyConnection.Open "driver=SQL


'MyConnection.Execute MySQL


'Set MyConnection = Nothing


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