Insert Formula and Copy to other cells



I need help fast! I need to be able to insert a Formula into rows that
contain certain text. I then need to be able to copy all this formula
across 15 columns and down to the end of the active workbook for each
row that contains this criteria. I want the formula to automatically
update to the correct cell reference. My formula is rather lengthy but
it works perfectly in a 'normal' spreadsheet without running a macro.

This is what I have:

Dim intx as Integer
Dim lngrow as long

lngrow = ActiveCell.Row 'lastcell in spreadsheet

For intx = 1 To lngrow
Cells(intx, 1).Select
If InStr(1, ActiveCell.Value, " Target Renewal") > 0
Range(Cells(intx, 6), Cells(intx, 20)).Select
Selection.Formula =
"=IF(AND(OR($D$2=30,$D$2=60),D15=""aprent"")," -
- ",IF((F15+E15+$D$2)<60,$B$2*(1-(($D$2-30)/30)),IF(D19=""," -
",IF((D15+E15+F15+$D$2)<90,$B$2*(1-(($D$2-60)/30))," - ")))))))"
End If

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Dave O

How about this:
Sub YourCodeName()
Range("a1").Select '<-- The cell that contains the formula you need to
Selection.Copy '<--copy into clipboard

For intx = 1 To lngrow '<--start your For loop as usual
Cells(intx, 1).Select
If InStr(1, ActiveCell.Value, " Target Renewal") > 0 Then
Range(Cells(intx, 6), Cells(intx, 20)).Select
Next Intx

.... or something like that?

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