Insert into a table when clicking a button



Hallo i hope some one can help me i would like to update a db when clicking
on a button if some one can look over my code that would be a greate help.

function Update() {

Dim rs, strPfadDB, sSQL

strPfadDB = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & _
Server.MapPath("\fpdb\request_table.mdb") & _
";Mode=ReadWrite;Persist Security Info=False"

sSQL "insert into Audit (Requesd_ID, CDS_ID) values ('2000', 'mm')"
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Execute sSQL, strPfadDB, 1, 2
set rs = nothing

Jon Spivey

If you want to perform some action you'd use a sub rather than a function -
a function has to return a value. It's easiest to insert against a

sub Update()
set oConn = createobject("adodb.connection") "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &
oConn.execute "insert into Audit (Requesd_ID, CDS_ID) values ('2000', 'mm')"
set oConn = nothing
end sub

If Requesd_ID is a numeric field in your database don't enclose 2000 in
quotes - only strings need quotes.



Sorry for the stupid question i never used a sub before in a asp site can you
tell me how to use it and how to call the sub

Stefan B Rusynko

You Call the SUB the same way you are calling the FUNCTION
But since you are not using any parameters with each, and your values are hard coded in it
- you probably don't need to be using either a SUB or a FUNCTION

Sorry for the stupid question i never used a sub before in a asp site can you
tell me how to use it and how to call the sub

Stefan B Rusynko

Naming routines (or any variables) in your code using reserved names is not allowed,
- and will generate errors
"Update" is a reserved name
- so rename your routine to something else - say: UpdateDB()

You Call the SUB the same way you are calling the FUNCTION
But since you are not using any parameters with each, and your values are hard coded in it
- you probably don't need to be using either a SUB or a FUNCTION

Sorry for the stupid question i never used a sub before in a asp site can you
tell me how to use it and how to call the sub

Jon Spivey

Naming routines (or any variables) in your code using reserved names is
not allowed,
- and will generate errors
"Update" is a reserved name
- so rename your routine to something else - say: UpdateDB()

update is a reserved word in sql not in asp/VB Script, eg
call update()
sub update()
response.write "the time is now " & now()
end sub

no errors. But something like
call option()
sub option()
response.write "the time is now " & now()
end sub

Would give an error as option is a reserved word in VB Script.


Jon Spivey

You'd use a sub like this
Sub MySub(i)
response.write i + 1
end sub

call MySub(22)

Compared to a function which would be like this
function MyFunction(i)
MyFunction = i + 1
end function

response.write MyFunction(22)

Both would of course give the same output - just different ways of doing it.


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