Installing Office2008



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I purchased the Office 2008 package - it seems the only way to install is via the CD. I just bought the iMac which doesn't come with a CD drive. Is there anyway to download the software or will I need to purchase an external drive?


HELP!!! I have just got Office:mac 2008 and have received a message on screen after double clicking saying "There is no default application to specified to open the document "Office Installer".

What can I do?


I honestly can't tell for sure but it sounds like you may have an *upgrade*
package rather than the full retail package. If that's the case you need to
have a prior version - either installed or the disk itself - in order to
install the upgrade.

If you're certain that this isn't the problem please provide more complete
details about what you have, where you got it & what you're doing... The
message you quoted is rather unusual. The OS should not be attempting to
"open" the installer - it's an application, not a document.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Diane Ross

Not to be picky, but please start your own thread instead of adding to one
that is similar. I just replied in another thread, but from reading both I
see you need to give more info.


Thanks for the reply. I had not meant to offend by putting my question in two places. I do have Office 2004 installed and updated regularly through Microsoft Autoupdate.

My company has provided the opportunity to have Office 2008 for Mac through the Home Use Program from Microsoft. This is the version I am trying to install. The instructions on the back simply say insert the disk, double click the Office 2008 icon, and then double click the Office Setup Assistant.

When I open the dvd, the icon is for Office Installer. And the message is as I said in my first message.

My OS X is 10.4.11, processor 1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo, memory 512 MB etc., standard issue IMac 17" screen bought in 2006.

Thanks for your help.


Hello -

First of all it isn't a matter of "offending" so much as it is 2 other
considerations :) Posting the same message multiple times makes it more
difficult for the poster, himself, to track replies as well as making it
more difficult for anyone else to follow the discussion. Secondly, those who
participate here do so on a voluntary basis contributing their time to
assist other users. It is a waste of that time to spend it answering a post
only to find that it has already been addressed elsewhere - time that could
better have been spent helping someone else.

As to your current situation, I'd suggest you follow Diane's recommendation
in the other thread to re-apply the 10.4.11 *Combo* Update for OS X, run the
repair disk permissions routine from Disk Utility, restart your Mac then try
installing 2008 again.

If you continue to have a problem come back with the details. I don't know
if the edition supplied through that program differs from the retail Upgrade
or not, but as I replied before the message you saw indicates that the
Installer isn't being recognized as a program but is instead being treated
as a file. Since there is no application associated with a "file" of that
type [because there is no file of that type] the error is being generated by
the OS. That's typically an indication of a permissions issue.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Cecilia Perez

I purchased the Office 2008 package - it seems the only way to install
is via the CD. I just bought the iMac which doesn't come with a CD drive.
Is there anyway to download the software or will I need to purchase an
external drive?

Mickey Stevens

My understanding was that all of the flat-panel iMacs had slot-loading
drives on the right side of the monitor.

If you have a MacBook Air laptop without a drive, you can use the MacBook
Air SuperDrive <>. Or, if you
have another Mac on the same network, you can use the "Remote Disc" feature
to connect to the disk.


Copied from the iMac page on the Apple site:


iMac doesn¹t have a disc tray. CDs and DVDs slide right into the
slot-loading SuperDrive.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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