IP 2007, Dataset, string and Rich Text



My IP 2007 form is calling a web service that returns a dataset. One of the
columns in the dataset is a string that contains a description. I need that
description to be completely visible in the form. I'm trying to use a Rich
Text Box because the regular textbox will not do multiline. Has anyone
managed to bind a RTB to a column that is a string in a dataset?


PS.. Does anyone from MS InfoPath team actually read this forum or do they
leave it up to volunteers?

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

Expression boxes do multiline. If you just need to display text, you can try
one of those. Tip: Use its "Data source" option to fill it, since this will
allow you to get more text into the control.

Regarding your PS: Yes, they do if/when they have time. They usually answer
questions which have not been answered before; answers to most questions are
usually already available on the Net in one form or another. And yes,
volunteers wind up answering most of the questions, so I hope you too will
join the list of volunteers when you get up and running with InfoPath! :)


Thanks for the reply but I need to be able to enter and display and print the
entry in the field.

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