Is there a Limit to the Amount of Data you can Link to?


K W Muter

Good Day Everyone,

We use Excel spreadsheets to gather and anyalize operations data. Our
dispatchers use one to enter statistics and notes. We use a second workbook
to enter financial information. This second workbook has links to the first
workbook, so everything entered by our dispatchers ends up in the second
financial workbook as well via a number of links.

As noted, some of the data the 2nd workbook is linked to is text - notes
written by our dispatchers. While most of the notes are brief, sometimes
these notes can be quite lenghy. This does not seem to present a problem in
the 1st workbook were they are entered, but when the longer notes are read
from the 2nd workbook, they seem to be cut off after about 250 text

Is there a limit to the amount of text data you can link from workbook to
workbook in a single cel? If so, how does one get around this? Your time and
efforts to help me with this would be much appreciated. I can't seem to
locate the answer on my own.

K W Muter
Calgary, Alberta

Ken Wright

If both workbooks are open then you should get it all, but if the target
workbook is closed then you only get 255 characters.

Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03

It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :)

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