Is there away...



I have a table that is a subtable of the previous table i.e.

1. ingredients
2. packaging

from this you can go into each and find subsets of each like

fruit ingredients
vegetables ingredients
Grains ingredients
Oils ingredients

label packaging
resin packaging
glass packaging

now this goes into another table like

Strawberry fruit
Banana fruit
Cherry fruit

same for packaging

now this goes into another table like and so and so. It keeps breaking
down until it can't go farther.

I have a form that has a selection box where I can select the names.
It's in a union query

SELECT [tblItemClass].itemclassNAME
FROM [tblItemClass]
UNION SELECT [tblItemSubClass].itemsubclassname
FROM [tblItemSubClass];

now what I would like is to have the selection combobox in the form
access Strawberry but also attach the name of the table it came from
like Fruit, Strawberry. I want this because when I get to some of the
last tables it'll look like this

Fruit, Strawberry, IQF
Fruit, Banana, IQF

IQF can have mulitple places, so if the combo box listed IQF, it could
apply to anything, this way the person selecting what they want can
see this.

Also another issue is that I have some 'foods' that have nothing below
it while others can have up to 6 tables of information , i.e.

Ingredient, Fruit, Strawberry, IQF = 4 tables

Ingredient, Grain, Wheat, Flour, White, Organic = 6 tables

In the combobox I don't need to list Ingredient or the family i.e.
grain or fruit, but having it list like

Strawberry, IQF
Flour, White, Organic

would be nice to have. Can this be done?


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