John Greenan/Bloomberg login


Arne Hegefors

Hello! I hope you read this John.Greenan since you seem to know this area! I
have looked around in the Bloomberg directory but without much success. My
problem is really that I do not know if it is possible to do what I want in
the first place. However I am just an intern at a large bank and I have spent
a lot of time developing the code for getting the data from Bloomberg to
Excel. Being able to automate that process would look very nice. Since I am
no computer person I really do not understand the computer lingo and I have a
hard time finding out if it is possible to do what I want at all. The people
around me are lawyers and they hardly know what Bloomberg is so I cannot ask

Thus my questions are:
1) Is this possible at all? I mean I have a computer where people can use
Bloomberg. But you get logged out of Bloomberg after you have not used it for
an hour or so right? Therefore when the computer has been inactive a while
you have to log in to the Bloomberg again in order to be able to load data.
Given that fact any downloading that is be automatic must be able to log in
to Bloomberg to ensure that the data is actually downloaded. The Bloomberg
people REFUSE to help me with this. They won’t even say if it is possible or
not. I guess that has something to do with them being afraid of hackers.
2) If it is possible is it possible to do it in a reliable fashion? If so
what should you use and can I find some help on how to do it? As I said I am
no programmer so if it requires a lot of coding it might not be worth it. I
am willing to learn but I have limited time.
3) I looked for Active X files on my computer but I do not know even what
that means or how to start learning anything about it. I basically would need
a users guide for how to do it. Phat pipe and Data License are just words I
have heard but I cannot ask anyone so I really cannot tell if I have access
to that or not.
4) If anyone has done this before could you please help me? Any help from
someone who has done it/knows how to do it is very much appreciated!

Thank you very much for any help! Forgive my ignorance but I am willing to
learn I just need somewhere to start! Again thank you all very much!

Old conversation:
Every night I have a macro that is supposed to run and open and login
to a program (the Bloomberg professional) and download some data. My
problem is the log in process from my macro. Now I use SendKeys but
that seems VERY unreliable. Does anyone have any links with code that
shows how to use some better techniques e.g. Active X to log in to a

Any help appreciated! Thanks a lot in advance!

Have you looked at the Bloomberg ActiveX control? That will avoid having to
log onto the Bloomberg terminal. There are samples of code in the bloomberg
directory on the PC that has Bloomberg installed.

Or try the Data License or phat pipe??

Post Tenebras Lux

in bloomberg, type RPT <GO> then hit the F1 key. on the second page, it says
that you don't have to be logged in to your terminal in order for the
scheduled reports to run and print automatically. If you only want a printed
report, then you can set one up (email me your email address and I can give
you more specifics). If you want it in an excel spreadsheet every day, then
you gotta login first. No way around it (since about 3 - 4 years ago). Are
you using Bloomberg Anywhere licence, which requires the fingerprint scanner
synch thing, or the old system which is dedicated to one CPU (terminal)?

Very little point asking BBG help about alot of these issues. Gone are the
days when those guys really understood their product. I remember when....

But seriously, GO TO THE SEMINARS they hold. It is really, really, really
worth it.



Some answers:

1. The bloomberg documentation makes clear that you have to interactively
log onto the Bloomberg at least once per week, but in the meantime you can
still connect via DDE or RTD or ActiveX. So don't worry about that side of

2. Can this be done reliably. No. Bloomberg don't want people to do this
so they make it unreliable.

3. You will have a file with a .ocx extenstion in the bloomberg directory -
I don't have bloomberg on this PC and I cannot remember the path, that's the
activeX control ( ocx = Active XCO ntrol)

4. You probably really need a developer to do this - is not the easiest
thing in the world to try and do as a first project.

Good luck

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