Joining two queries into one.


James Kendall

I have tried to make one query out of two but the final total somehow comes
up more than the actual figures.
First query:
SELECT Test.Model, Test.Plant, Sum(Test.[Total Produced]) AS [SumOfTotal
GROUP BY Test.Model, Test.Plant, Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.Plant)=41) AND ((Test.[Void Entry]) Not Like Yes));

Second Query (based off of the first):
SELECT [Total Produced 041].Model, Test.Plant, [Total Produced
041].[SumOfTotal Produced], Sum([Test Details].Rejects) AS SumOfRejects,
Sum([Rejects]/[SumOfTotal Produced]) AS [Proportion %]
FROM (Test INNER JOIN [Total Produced 041] ON Test.Model = [Total Produced
041].Model) INNER JOIN [Test Details] ON Test.Id = [Test Details].Id
GROUP BY [Total Produced 041].Model, Test.Plant, [Total Produced
041].[SumOfTotal Produced], Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.Plant)=41) AND ((Test.[Void Entry]) Not Like Yes));

I have tried the following and somehow end up with a higher number in the
SumofTotal Produced than it is supposed to be. This happens intermittenly on
several records (total of 8 of 23 records).

SELECT Test.Model, Test.Plant, Sum(Test.[Total Produced]) AS [SumOfTotal
Produced], Sum([Test Details].Rejects) AS SumOfRejects
FROM Test LEFT JOIN [Test Details] ON Test.Id = [Test Details].Id
GROUP BY Test.Model, Test.Plant, Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.Plant)=41) AND ((Sum([Test Details].Rejects))>0) AND
((Test.[Void Entry]) Not Like Yes));

Please help!

Michel Walsh


One (or many) of the tables (other than Test) has duplicated values under
their field implied in the ON clause.

A possible solution is to be sure these duplicated values are intended, and
if so, which record (among the duplicated ones) has to be used.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

James Kendall

I am new at the SQL features and outer joins so these questions could sound
stupid for the experienced user.

If they are duplicated (reject numbers) they should not be duplicating the
total produced number.

So if the linked table has two entries it could be adding the first tables
total twice? If this is so, can I put right join or how do I stop it from
re-recording the initial data from the first table?

If I understand it correctly there will be duplicate ID numbers for each
Test.ID because multiple numbers can be given as rejected under one part

Michel Walsh said:

One (or many) of the tables (other than Test) has duplicated values under
their field implied in the ON clause.

A possible solution is to be sure these duplicated values are intended, and
if so, which record (among the duplicated ones) has to be used.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

James Kendall said:
I have tried to make one query out of two but the final total somehow comes
up more than the actual figures.
First query:
SELECT Test.Model, Test.Plant, Sum(Test.[Total Produced]) AS [SumOfTotal
GROUP BY Test.Model, Test.Plant, Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.Plant)=41) AND ((Test.[Void Entry]) Not Like Yes));

Second Query (based off of the first):
SELECT [Total Produced 041].Model, Test.Plant, [Total Produced
041].[SumOfTotal Produced], Sum([Test Details].Rejects) AS SumOfRejects,
Sum([Rejects]/[SumOfTotal Produced]) AS [Proportion %]
FROM (Test INNER JOIN [Total Produced 041] ON Test.Model = [Total Produced
041].Model) INNER JOIN [Test Details] ON Test.Id = [Test Details].Id
GROUP BY [Total Produced 041].Model, Test.Plant, [Total Produced
041].[SumOfTotal Produced], Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.Plant)=41) AND ((Test.[Void Entry]) Not Like Yes));

I have tried the following and somehow end up with a higher number in the
SumofTotal Produced than it is supposed to be. This happens intermittenly
several records (total of 8 of 23 records).

SELECT Test.Model, Test.Plant, Sum(Test.[Total Produced]) AS [SumOfTotal
Produced], Sum([Test Details].Rejects) AS SumOfRejects
FROM Test LEFT JOIN [Test Details] ON Test.Id = [Test Details].Id
GROUP BY Test.Model, Test.Plant, Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.Plant)=41) AND ((Sum([Test Details].Rejects))>0) AND
((Test.[Void Entry]) Not Like Yes));

Please help!

Michel Walsh


A cross join mixes together all records of the two implied tables. If tableA
has three records,


and if tableB has four records, with values 1, 2, 3 and 4, the cross join

a 1
a 2
a 3
a 4
b 1
b 2
b 3
b 4
c 1
c 2
c 3
c 4

Now, if the initial tableA was having a, a and c, rather than a, b and c,
for values, we will still get 12 records, just change, in the previous
result, all occurrences of b with a. Note that (a 1) would be doubled.

So, if we don't want that to occur, we have to

- either be sure there is no duplicated values in the original table (ie,
not two "a" in tableA). For an INNER JOIN, it is enough to have an index not
allowing duplicated values on the fields mentioned in the ON clause,

- either use two queries. one with the join and a DISTINCT, but no
aggregate; then, the second query calling the first one, with GROUP and

SELECT DISTINCT a.f1, a.f2, a.f3, b.g1, b.g2, b.3 FROM a INNER JOIN b
ON ....
saved as q1, then:

SELECT a.f1, SUM(a.f2), SUM(b.f3)
GROUP a.f1

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

James Kendall said:
I am new at the SQL features and outer joins so these questions could sound
stupid for the experienced user.

If they are duplicated (reject numbers) they should not be duplicating the
total produced number.

So if the linked table has two entries it could be adding the first tables
total twice? If this is so, can I put right join or how do I stop it from
re-recording the initial data from the first table?

If I understand it correctly there will be duplicate ID numbers for each
Test.ID because multiple numbers can be given as rejected under one part

Michel Walsh said:

One (or many) of the tables (other than Test) has duplicated values under
their field implied in the ON clause.

A possible solution is to be sure these duplicated values are intended,
if so, which record (among the duplicated ones) has to be used.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

James Kendall said:
I have tried to make one query out of two but the final total somehow
up more than the actual figures.
First query:
SELECT Test.Model, Test.Plant, Sum(Test.[Total Produced]) AS
GROUP BY Test.Model, Test.Plant, Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.Plant)=41) AND ((Test.[Void Entry]) Not Like Yes));

Second Query (based off of the first):
SELECT [Total Produced 041].Model, Test.Plant, [Total Produced
041].[SumOfTotal Produced], Sum([Test Details].Rejects) AS
Sum([Rejects]/[SumOfTotal Produced]) AS [Proportion %]
FROM (Test INNER JOIN [Total Produced 041] ON Test.Model = [Total
041].Model) INNER JOIN [Test Details] ON Test.Id = [Test Details].Id
GROUP BY [Total Produced 041].Model, Test.Plant, [Total Produced
041].[SumOfTotal Produced], Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.Plant)=41) AND ((Test.[Void Entry]) Not Like Yes));

I have tried the following and somehow end up with a higher number in
SumofTotal Produced than it is supposed to be. This happens
several records (total of 8 of 23 records).

SELECT Test.Model, Test.Plant, Sum(Test.[Total Produced]) AS
Produced], Sum([Test Details].Rejects) AS SumOfRejects
FROM Test LEFT JOIN [Test Details] ON Test.Id = [Test Details].Id
GROUP BY Test.Model, Test.Plant, Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.Plant)=41) AND ((Sum([Test Details].Rejects))>0) AND
((Test.[Void Entry]) Not Like Yes));

Please help!

James Kendall

This is the query that is not working.

SELECT DISTINCTROW Test.Model, Test.Plant, Sum(Test.[Total Produced]) AS
[SumOfTotal Produced], Nz(Sum([Test Details].Rejects),0) AS [Sum Of Rejects]
FROM Test LEFT JOIN [Test Details] ON Test.Id = [Test Details].Id
WHERE (((Test.Date) Between [Forms]![F: Date Range]![Start Date] And
[Forms]![F: Date Range]![End Date]))
GROUP BY Test.Model, Test.Plant, Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.[Void Entry])<>Yes));

Records are picking up the first entry on as many times as there are second
linked table records when it should be doing it only once. The duplicate
numbers are necessary. So you are saying that I have to split this up
correct? If I understand what you are saying this is needed and to remove
all sum functions into the second query? Another stupid question...What is
an aggregate? Being self-taught does have it disadvantages. :-(

Michel Walsh said:

A cross join mixes together all records of the two implied tables. If tableA
has three records,


and if tableB has four records, with values 1, 2, 3 and 4, the cross join

a 1
a 2
a 3
a 4
b 1
b 2
b 3
b 4
c 1
c 2
c 3
c 4

Now, if the initial tableA was having a, a and c, rather than a, b and c,
for values, we will still get 12 records, just change, in the previous
result, all occurrences of b with a. Note that (a 1) would be doubled.

So, if we don't want that to occur, we have to

- either be sure there is no duplicated values in the original table (ie,
not two "a" in tableA). For an INNER JOIN, it is enough to have an index not
allowing duplicated values on the fields mentioned in the ON clause,

- either use two queries. one with the join and a DISTINCT, but no
aggregate; then, the second query calling the first one, with GROUP and

SELECT DISTINCT a.f1, a.f2, a.f3, b.g1, b.g2, b.3 FROM a INNER JOIN b
ON ....
saved as q1, then:

SELECT a.f1, SUM(a.f2), SUM(b.f3)
GROUP a.f1

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

James Kendall said:
I am new at the SQL features and outer joins so these questions could sound
stupid for the experienced user.

If they are duplicated (reject numbers) they should not be duplicating the
total produced number.

So if the linked table has two entries it could be adding the first tables
total twice? If this is so, can I put right join or how do I stop it from
re-recording the initial data from the first table?

If I understand it correctly there will be duplicate ID numbers for each
Test.ID because multiple numbers can be given as rejected under one part

Michel Walsh said:

One (or many) of the tables (other than Test) has duplicated values under
their field implied in the ON clause.

A possible solution is to be sure these duplicated values are intended,
if so, which record (among the duplicated ones) has to be used.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

I have tried to make one query out of two but the final total somehow
up more than the actual figures.
First query:
SELECT Test.Model, Test.Plant, Sum(Test.[Total Produced]) AS
GROUP BY Test.Model, Test.Plant, Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.Plant)=41) AND ((Test.[Void Entry]) Not Like Yes));

Second Query (based off of the first):
SELECT [Total Produced 041].Model, Test.Plant, [Total Produced
041].[SumOfTotal Produced], Sum([Test Details].Rejects) AS
Sum([Rejects]/[SumOfTotal Produced]) AS [Proportion %]
FROM (Test INNER JOIN [Total Produced 041] ON Test.Model = [Total
041].Model) INNER JOIN [Test Details] ON Test.Id = [Test Details].Id
GROUP BY [Total Produced 041].Model, Test.Plant, [Total Produced
041].[SumOfTotal Produced], Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.Plant)=41) AND ((Test.[Void Entry]) Not Like Yes));

I have tried the following and somehow end up with a higher number in
SumofTotal Produced than it is supposed to be. This happens
several records (total of 8 of 23 records).

SELECT Test.Model, Test.Plant, Sum(Test.[Total Produced]) AS
Produced], Sum([Test Details].Rejects) AS SumOfRejects
FROM Test LEFT JOIN [Test Details] ON Test.Id = [Test Details].Id
GROUP BY Test.Model, Test.Plant, Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.Plant)=41) AND ((Sum([Test Details].Rejects))>0) AND
((Test.[Void Entry]) Not Like Yes));

Please help!

Michel Walsh


An aggregate is an evaluation applied on a set, like SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG,

I would try:

SELECT DISTINCT Test.Model, Test.Plant,
Test.[Void Entry], Test.[Total Produced], Test Details].Rejects
FROM Test LEFT JOIN [Test Details] ON Test.Id = [Test Details].Id
WHERE (((Test.Date) Between [Forms]![F: Date Range]![Start Date] And
[Forms]![F: Date Range]![End Date]))

and save the query. The DISTINCT would remove duplicated records. Then, I
would use the just saved query:

SELECT Model, Plant,
Sum([Total Produced]) AS [SumOfTotal Produced],
Nz(Sum(Rejects),0) AS [Sum Of Rejects]
FROM savedQuery
GROUP BY Model, Plant, [Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.[Void Entry])<>Yes));

Your statement was removing duplicated rows ONCE the groups and aggregation
(SUM) had been made. Here, we did it, but before grouping and summing.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

James Kendall said:
This is the query that is not working.

SELECT DISTINCTROW Test.Model, Test.Plant, Sum(Test.[Total Produced]) AS
[SumOfTotal Produced], Nz(Sum([Test Details].Rejects),0) AS [Sum Of
FROM Test LEFT JOIN [Test Details] ON Test.Id = [Test Details].Id
WHERE (((Test.Date) Between [Forms]![F: Date Range]![Start Date] And
[Forms]![F: Date Range]![End Date]))
GROUP BY Test.Model, Test.Plant, Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.[Void Entry])<>Yes));

Records are picking up the first entry on as many times as there are
linked table records when it should be doing it only once. The duplicate
numbers are necessary. So you are saying that I have to split this up
correct? If I understand what you are saying this is needed and to remove
all sum functions into the second query? Another stupid question...What
an aggregate? Being self-taught does have it disadvantages. :-(

Michel Walsh said:

A cross join mixes together all records of the two implied tables. If
has three records,


and if tableB has four records, with values 1, 2, 3 and 4, the cross join

a 1
a 2
a 3
a 4
b 1
b 2
b 3
b 4
c 1
c 2
c 3
c 4

Now, if the initial tableA was having a, a and c, rather than a, b and
for values, we will still get 12 records, just change, in the previous
result, all occurrences of b with a. Note that (a 1) would be doubled.

So, if we don't want that to occur, we have to

- either be sure there is no duplicated values in the original table (ie,
not two "a" in tableA). For an INNER JOIN, it is enough to have an index
allowing duplicated values on the fields mentioned in the ON clause,

- either use two queries. one with the join and a DISTINCT, but no
aggregate; then, the second query calling the first one, with GROUP and

SELECT DISTINCT a.f1, a.f2, a.f3, b.g1, b.g2, b.3 FROM a INNER JOIN
ON ....
saved as q1, then:

SELECT a.f1, SUM(a.f2), SUM(b.f3)
GROUP a.f1

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

James Kendall said:
I am new at the SQL features and outer joins so these questions could
stupid for the experienced user.

If they are duplicated (reject numbers) they should not be duplicating
total produced number.

So if the linked table has two entries it could be adding the first
total twice? If this is so, can I put right join or how do I stop it
re-recording the initial data from the first table?

If I understand it correctly there will be duplicate ID numbers for
Test.ID because multiple numbers can be given as rejected under one



One (or many) of the tables (other than Test) has duplicated values
their field implied in the ON clause.

A possible solution is to be sure these duplicated values are
if so, which record (among the duplicated ones) has to be used.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

I have tried to make one query out of two but the final total somehow
up more than the actual figures.
First query:
SELECT Test.Model, Test.Plant, Sum(Test.[Total Produced]) AS
GROUP BY Test.Model, Test.Plant, Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.Plant)=41) AND ((Test.[Void Entry]) Not Like Yes));

Second Query (based off of the first):
SELECT [Total Produced 041].Model, Test.Plant, [Total Produced
041].[SumOfTotal Produced], Sum([Test Details].Rejects) AS
Sum([Rejects]/[SumOfTotal Produced]) AS [Proportion %]
FROM (Test INNER JOIN [Total Produced 041] ON Test.Model = [Total
041].Model) INNER JOIN [Test Details] ON Test.Id = [Test Details].Id
GROUP BY [Total Produced 041].Model, Test.Plant, [Total Produced
041].[SumOfTotal Produced], Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.Plant)=41) AND ((Test.[Void Entry]) Not Like Yes));

I have tried the following and somehow end up with a higher number
SumofTotal Produced than it is supposed to be. This happens
several records (total of 8 of 23 records).

SELECT Test.Model, Test.Plant, Sum(Test.[Total Produced]) AS
Produced], Sum([Test Details].Rejects) AS SumOfRejects
FROM Test LEFT JOIN [Test Details] ON Test.Id = [Test Details].Id
GROUP BY Test.Model, Test.Plant, Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.Plant)=41) AND ((Sum([Test Details].Rejects))>0) AND
((Test.[Void Entry]) Not Like Yes));

Please help!

James Kendall

Thanks, you helped set me in the right direction. After a few test runs and
alot of failures and adjustments this is what came out to work.

First Query:

SELECT Test.Model, Test.Plant, Sum(Test.[Total Produced]) AS [SumOfTotal
WHERE (((Test.Date) Between [Forms]![F: Plant Code]![Beg Date] And
[Forms]![F: Plant Code]![End Date]))
GROUP BY Test.Model, Test.Plant, Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.Plant)=[Forms]![F: Plant Code]![Plant Code]) AND ((Test.[Void
Entry]) Not Like Yes));

Followed by this query:

SELECT [Total Produced by Plant].Model, Test.Plant, [Total Produced by
Plant].[SumOfTotal Produced], Nz(Sum([Test Details].[Rejects]),0) AS
FROM (Test INNER JOIN [Total Produced by Plant] ON Test.Model = [Total
Produced by Plant].Model) LEFT JOIN [Test Details] ON Test.Id = [Test
WHERE (((Test.Date) Between [Forms]![F: Plant Code]![Beg Date] And
[Forms]![F: Plant Code]![End Date]))
GROUP BY [Total Produced by Plant].Model, Test.Plant, [Total Produced by
Plant].[SumOfTotal Produced], Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.Plant)=[Forms]![F: Plant Code]![Plant Code]) AND ((Test.[Void
Entry]) Not Like Yes));

Thanks again. I appreciate it.
James Kendall

Michel Walsh said:

An aggregate is an evaluation applied on a set, like SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG,

I would try:

SELECT DISTINCT Test.Model, Test.Plant,
Test.[Void Entry], Test.[Total Produced], Test Details].Rejects
FROM Test LEFT JOIN [Test Details] ON Test.Id = [Test Details].Id
WHERE (((Test.Date) Between [Forms]![F: Date Range]![Start Date] And
[Forms]![F: Date Range]![End Date]))

and save the query. The DISTINCT would remove duplicated records. Then, I
would use the just saved query:

SELECT Model, Plant,
Sum([Total Produced]) AS [SumOfTotal Produced],
Nz(Sum(Rejects),0) AS [Sum Of Rejects]
FROM savedQuery
GROUP BY Model, Plant, [Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.[Void Entry])<>Yes));

Your statement was removing duplicated rows ONCE the groups and aggregation
(SUM) had been made. Here, we did it, but before grouping and summing.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

James Kendall said:
This is the query that is not working.

SELECT DISTINCTROW Test.Model, Test.Plant, Sum(Test.[Total Produced]) AS
[SumOfTotal Produced], Nz(Sum([Test Details].Rejects),0) AS [Sum Of
FROM Test LEFT JOIN [Test Details] ON Test.Id = [Test Details].Id
WHERE (((Test.Date) Between [Forms]![F: Date Range]![Start Date] And
[Forms]![F: Date Range]![End Date]))
GROUP BY Test.Model, Test.Plant, Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.[Void Entry])<>Yes));

Records are picking up the first entry on as many times as there are
linked table records when it should be doing it only once. The duplicate
numbers are necessary. So you are saying that I have to split this up
correct? If I understand what you are saying this is needed and to remove
all sum functions into the second query? Another stupid question...What
an aggregate? Being self-taught does have it disadvantages. :-(

Michel Walsh said:

A cross join mixes together all records of the two implied tables. If
has three records,


and if tableB has four records, with values 1, 2, 3 and 4, the cross join

a 1
a 2
a 3
a 4
b 1
b 2
b 3
b 4
c 1
c 2
c 3
c 4

Now, if the initial tableA was having a, a and c, rather than a, b and
for values, we will still get 12 records, just change, in the previous
result, all occurrences of b with a. Note that (a 1) would be doubled.

So, if we don't want that to occur, we have to

- either be sure there is no duplicated values in the original table (ie,
not two "a" in tableA). For an INNER JOIN, it is enough to have an index
allowing duplicated values on the fields mentioned in the ON clause,

- either use two queries. one with the join and a DISTINCT, but no
aggregate; then, the second query calling the first one, with GROUP and

SELECT DISTINCT a.f1, a.f2, a.f3, b.g1, b.g2, b.3 FROM a INNER JOIN
ON ....
saved as q1, then:

SELECT a.f1, SUM(a.f2), SUM(b.f3)
GROUP a.f1

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

I am new at the SQL features and outer joins so these questions could
stupid for the experienced user.

If they are duplicated (reject numbers) they should not be duplicating
total produced number.

So if the linked table has two entries it could be adding the first
total twice? If this is so, can I put right join or how do I stop it
re-recording the initial data from the first table?

If I understand it correctly there will be duplicate ID numbers for
Test.ID because multiple numbers can be given as rejected under one



One (or many) of the tables (other than Test) has duplicated values
their field implied in the ON clause.

A possible solution is to be sure these duplicated values are
if so, which record (among the duplicated ones) has to be used.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

I have tried to make one query out of two but the final total somehow
up more than the actual figures.
First query:
SELECT Test.Model, Test.Plant, Sum(Test.[Total Produced]) AS
GROUP BY Test.Model, Test.Plant, Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.Plant)=41) AND ((Test.[Void Entry]) Not Like Yes));

Second Query (based off of the first):
SELECT [Total Produced 041].Model, Test.Plant, [Total Produced
041].[SumOfTotal Produced], Sum([Test Details].Rejects) AS
Sum([Rejects]/[SumOfTotal Produced]) AS [Proportion %]
FROM (Test INNER JOIN [Total Produced 041] ON Test.Model = [Total
041].Model) INNER JOIN [Test Details] ON Test.Id = [Test Details].Id
GROUP BY [Total Produced 041].Model, Test.Plant, [Total Produced
041].[SumOfTotal Produced], Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.Plant)=41) AND ((Test.[Void Entry]) Not Like Yes));

I have tried the following and somehow end up with a higher number
SumofTotal Produced than it is supposed to be. This happens
several records (total of 8 of 23 records).

SELECT Test.Model, Test.Plant, Sum(Test.[Total Produced]) AS
Produced], Sum([Test Details].Rejects) AS SumOfRejects
FROM Test LEFT JOIN [Test Details] ON Test.Id = [Test Details].Id
GROUP BY Test.Model, Test.Plant, Test.[Void Entry]
HAVING (((Test.Plant)=41) AND ((Sum([Test Details].Rejects))>0) AND
((Test.[Void Entry]) Not Like Yes));

Please help!

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