KB WRONG, for TOP N values per group query.



Criteria: In (Select Top 3 [UnitsInStock] From Products Where
[CategoryID]=[Categories].[CategoryID] Order By [UnitsInStock] Desc)

That is the whole key to the simple solution proposed in KB 210039.

I opened up Northwind, and when I actually enter that line, I get

The expression you entered contains invalid syntax.

What am I missing?

Michel Walsh


Works fine here. Can you cut and paste the SQL statement I got and tried it?

SELECT Categories.CategoryName, Products.ProductName, Products.UnitsInStock
FROM Categories INNER JOIN Products ON Categories.CategoryID =
WHERE (((Products.UnitsInStock) In (SELECT TOP 3 [UnitsInStock] FROM
Products WHERE [CategoryID]=[Categories].[CategoryID] ORDER BY
[UnitsInStock] Desc )))
ORDER BY Categories.CategoryName, Products.UnitsInStock DESC;


Same answer. You realize that I am attempting to run this SQL as an
entry in the Grid of Designview, right? I don't think the problem is
with the SQL, (I am not getting an SQL syntax error when trying to RUN
it,) but the syntax of using SQL with the IN() function. As soon as I
try to leave the cell, I get that error.

Trying your SQL in the same place gave me the same results.

Michel said:

Works fine here. Can you cut and paste the SQL statement I got and tried it?

SELECT Categories.CategoryName, Products.ProductName, Products.UnitsInStock
FROM Categories INNER JOIN Products ON Categories.CategoryID =
WHERE (((Products.UnitsInStock) In (SELECT TOP 3 [UnitsInStock] FROM
Products WHERE [CategoryID]=[Categories].[CategoryID] ORDER BY
[UnitsInStock] Desc )))
ORDER BY Categories.CategoryName, Products.UnitsInStock DESC;

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

Criteria: In (Select Top 3 [UnitsInStock] From Products Where
[CategoryID]=[Categories].[CategoryID] Order By [UnitsInStock] Desc)

That is the whole key to the simple solution proposed in KB 210039.

I opened up Northwind, and when I actually enter that line, I get

The expression you entered contains invalid syntax.

What am I missing?

Michel Walsh


Just to be sure,

1) you didn't type

"Criteria: IN(...) "

but, in the line Criteria, you typed "IN( ... ) ", under the UnitsInStock
column, without the quotes.

2 ) You are using Jet, not MS SQL Server as database (mdb, not adp).

3) You typed


and not


Vanderghast, Access MVP

Phil said:
Same answer. You realize that I am attempting to run this SQL as an entry
in the Grid of Designview, right? I don't think the problem is with the
SQL, (I am not getting an SQL syntax error when trying to RUN it,) but the
syntax of using SQL with the IN() function. As soon as I try to leave the
cell, I get that error.

Trying your SQL in the same place gave me the same results.

Michel said:

Works fine here. Can you cut and paste the SQL statement I got and tried

SELECT Categories.CategoryName, Products.ProductName,
FROM Categories INNER JOIN Products ON Categories.CategoryID =
WHERE (((Products.UnitsInStock) In (SELECT TOP 3 [UnitsInStock] FROM
Products WHERE [CategoryID]=[Categories].[CategoryID] ORDER BY
[UnitsInStock] Desc )))
ORDER BY Categories.CategoryName, Products.UnitsInStock DESC;

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

Criteria: In (Select Top 3 [UnitsInStock] From Products Where
[CategoryID]=[Categories].[CategoryID] Order By [UnitsInStock] Desc)

That is the whole key to the simple solution proposed in KB 210039.

I opened up Northwind, and when I actually enter that line, I get

The expression you entered contains invalid syntax.

What am I missing?


Nope. I was putting it in as a seperate field called Criteria. I was
not reading it right I guess, as I could not figure out what field to
put it under. Typical Brainlock, I guess. tried it your way, the RIGHT
way, and it worked perfectly.

Thank you very much.

Michel said:

Just to be sure,

1) you didn't type

"Criteria: IN(...) "

but, in the line Criteria, you typed "IN( ... ) ", under the UnitsInStock
column, without the quotes.

2 ) You are using Jet, not MS SQL Server as database (mdb, not adp).

3) You typed


and not


Vanderghast, Access MVP

Same answer. You realize that I am attempting to run this SQL as an entry
in the Grid of Designview, right? I don't think the problem is with the
SQL, (I am not getting an SQL syntax error when trying to RUN it,) but the
syntax of using SQL with the IN() function. As soon as I try to leave the
cell, I get that error.

Trying your SQL in the same place gave me the same results.

Michel said:

Works fine here. Can you cut and paste the SQL statement I got and tried

SELECT Categories.CategoryName, Products.ProductName,
FROM Categories INNER JOIN Products ON Categories.CategoryID =
WHERE (((Products.UnitsInStock) In (SELECT TOP 3 [UnitsInStock] FROM
Products WHERE [CategoryID]=[Categories].[CategoryID] ORDER BY
[UnitsInStock] Desc )))
ORDER BY Categories.CategoryName, Products.UnitsInStock DESC;

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

Criteria: In (Select Top 3 [UnitsInStock] From Products Where
[CategoryID]=[Categories].[CategoryID] Order By [UnitsInStock] Desc)

That is the whole key to the simple solution proposed in KB 210039.

I opened up Northwind, and when I actually enter that line, I get

The expression you entered contains invalid syntax.

What am I missing?

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