Ken Snell MS ACCESS MVP, are you there ?




When trying to import an Excel file, the Excel File has a column with most
of the data as Numbers, but some have Text. Because most are Numbers, Access
is thinking this Field is a Number & then when trying to import will give
Errors on the rows that have letters in that Field.

Becase this Excel file comes from other companies it is not an option for me
to ask them to format the data.

One option as a work around was from another Response from another post,
where (Ken Snell MS ACCESS MVP) stated
"There are ways to make changes in the registry to force Jet to examine all
rows before deciding on a data type"

But he didnt put what to change in the Registry. Any one know ? Or Ken if
you happen to read this, how can I do this ?

Thank you,


Doug, you are the best !

Thank you !

& if Ken does read this sometime, thank you !


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