Last improvement in my project



Good day to everybody

I have this array formula :
in US formula sintax , and in my own locale formula sintax :

It works well , but I wish to have some lasts improvements in it ,
for a better
speed according with this ideea (please very much to read here) :
[Why I need speed in this formula is because I'll work with hundreds
of workboobs
and millions of this kind formula ]

Thanks to mr. Harlan Grove I get this formula ,which mr. Harlan Grove
said it is another perfect equivalet for the formulas above ; the new
equivalent is :

but this formula didn't work stil for me ; can anybody give me the
changes in this last formula to get it work ? Maybe it take a
smaller time for calculate it by excel 2003 application .

Thanks through this way for enormous help of Dave D-C , Dave
Peterson ,
Joel , Harlan Grove and many last but not list anothers ...

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