Last item on a userform



I have multipage userform that has three input items on one page

When I enter a valid number on the last item, it doesn't do anything until I
click somewhere else. When I input a valid number on the other two items,
the logic formats the numbers correctly. How do I get the last field to
format, without clicking the mouse? Code found below -

Sub txbP20_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Call FaceLimitCheck(txbP20)
End Sub

Sub txbP30_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Call FaceLimitCheck(txbP30)
End Sub

Sub txbP65_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Call FaceLimitCheck(txbP65)
End Sub

Sub FaceLimitCheck(Facecheck)
If Not (Facecheck = vbNullString) Then
If Not (IsNumeric(Facecheck)) Then
MsgBox ("Invalid entry please use numbers")
Facecheck.Value = ""
If Facecheck < 25000 Then
MsgBox ("Minimum face amount is 25,000")
Facecheck.Value = ""
Facecheck.Value = Format(Facecheck, "$ #,##0,000")
End If
End If
End If
Call CheckTotalFace
End Sub

Gary Brown

When you finish filling the 1st two textboxes, you EXIT the field which kicks
off the 'FaceLimitCheck' procedure.

How does the program know you are finished with the last textbox unless you
click the mouse, double click the mouse, tab out of the field or click out of
the field?
The answer to that question will tell you which method to use if EXIT is not
what you're looking for.



Thanks for your response, but I'm fuzzy on one item.

I agree that by hitting the "enter" key, I exited either the first two
fields which kicks off the 'FaceLimitCheck' procedure - I would like the
"enter" key to work in the same manner for the last textbox as it did for the
first two two textbox.

How did the progam know that by hitting "enter" on the first two textboxes
that I was finished with that field, but it doesn't for the last field?

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