Launch a URL and paste


Bill Stanton

I'd like to launch a URL from code and
paste the contents of the clipboard into
the field currently displaying the cursor.

I already have the text string on the
clipboard, I just can't seem to find any
methods that carry out a paste function.

I'm assuming I can Dim an application
object like IE and pass the URL?


Tony Toews

I'd like to launch a URL from code and
paste the contents of the clipboard into
the field currently displaying the cursor.

I already have the text string on the
clipboard, I just can't seem to find any
methods that carry out a paste function.

I'm assuming I can Dim an application
object like IE and pass the URL?

I'm sure there are ways of automating a web browser and doing what you
want but I'm not familiar with them.

If you don't get an answer here I'd suggest in the
microsoft.public.vb.general.discussion newsgroup as there are lots of
knowledgeable folks there who likely would know the answer. VB6 code
should port directly into Access.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Tony's Main MS Access pages -
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -
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updated see


I'm sure there are ways of automating a web browser and doing what
you want but I'm not familiar with them.

What will need to be done is to pass the appropriate parameters via
GET or POST. There is no way to automate the web browser otherwise.

Bill Stanton

Hi David,
The situation got more complicated because of browser
security in preparation of an upload. The use is confronted
with entering a password followed by the use of Browse
in order to get to the screen requiring the "Paste". With
that, the user will simply manually "Paste" the string that
was put on the clipboard via application VBA.

Tony Toews

The situation got more complicated because of browser
security in preparation of an upload. The use is confronted
with entering a password followed by the use of Browse
in order to get to the screen requiring the "Paste". With
that, the user will simply manually "Paste" the string that
was put on the clipboard via application VBA.

Hmm, KeePass is an open source program for storing and entering your
passwords on web pages. Maybe it'll have some code that you can use
as an idea of what needs to be done.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Tony's Main MS Access pages -
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -
For a convenient utility to keep your users FEs and other files
updated see

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