Letterhead Macro


Charles Phillips


Below is the macro I made to set the printer to print on letterhead. Here
are the settings I want:

Page Setup to [Tab] Paper:

1. Paper size: 8.5X11" Letter

2. Paper source

a. First page: Tray 1

b. Other pages: Automatically Select

Print Properties:

1. Paper/Output: 8.5X11" Letter, White, Letterhead

The actual macro named Letterhead is below:

Sub Letterhead()


' Letterhead Macro

' To Print to Letterhead


With ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleNormal).Font

If .NameFarEast = .NameAscii Then

.NameAscii = ""

End If

.NameFarEast = ""

End With

With ActiveDocument.PageSetup

.LineNumbering.Active = False

.Orientation = wdOrientPortrait

.TopMargin = InchesToPoints(1)

.BottomMargin = InchesToPoints(1)

.LeftMargin = InchesToPoints(1)

.RightMargin = InchesToPoints(1)

.Gutter = InchesToPoints(0)

.HeaderDistance = InchesToPoints(0.5)

.FooterDistance = InchesToPoints(0.5)

.PageWidth = InchesToPoints(8.5)

.PageHeight = InchesToPoints(11)

.FirstPageTray = 259

.OtherPagesTray = wdPrinterFormSource

.SectionStart = wdSectionNewPage

.OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter = False

.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = False

.VerticalAlignment = wdAlignVerticalTop

.SuppressEndnotes = False

.MirrorMargins = False

.TwoPagesOnOne = False

.BookFoldPrinting = False

.BookFoldRevPrinting = False

.BookFoldPrintingSheets = 1

.GutterPos = wdGutterPosLeft

End With

End Sub

Can/will someone show me a better way to do this???

Thank you,

Charles L. Phillips

Graham Mayor

I wouldn't use a macro for this.Set up the requirements in the document
template and use the template to create your letterhead documents. Note that
this may only work for the currently installed printer. Change the printer
and you will probably have to change the template and/or macro.

You could also consider a print macro -

Sub PrintLHead()
Dim sTray As String
sTray = Options.DefaultTray 'Save the current tray
Options.DefaultTray = "Tray 1" 'set Page 1 to Tray 1
ActiveDocument.PrintOut Pages:="1"
Options.DefaultTray = "Tray 2" ' set the rest to Tray 2
ActiveDocument.PrintOut Pages:="2-999"
Options.DefaultTray = sTray 'Put the tray back as it was at the start
End Sub

See http://www.gmayor.com/fax_from_word.htm

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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