Link does not work with PDF file


Jacques Lorrain

August 25th, 2004

Hi There

Made website with MS Publisher 2003
Using WS_FTP Pro
Uploaded to web host index.htm
Uploaded to site my pdf file in same folder as index.htm
Everything is working fine except ONE pdf link. When I click on it page does
not come up in Adobe - I have Adobe 6.0 installed on my computer. I get
message: This page cannot be found

Here is what I did whith link in Publisher:

Highlighted text
Right Click on text
Made sure web site was on
type url in address:

Many thanks for help


Jacques Lorrain

Hi David:

Did all this and still not working. So let me be as precise as I can.

My web site is:

When I signed up with web host and using WS_FTP Pro I have there a folder
named "jarin".

OK so I uplodaded index.htm to web host in jarin folder
Uploaded pdf file also to jarin folder
Uploaded index_files also to jarin folder

Now the way I see it is that my link should be:


I felt I should have jarin in there for consistency.

Doing all this it still does not work

Thanks for yur help


David Bartosik MS MVP

the folder jarin is only the physical folder on the server, it has nothing
to do with your url, remove that from the URL path and never use it in your

on the 'physical' server this - "c:\blah blah blah\jarin\mypdf.pdf"

is 'virtually' this -

Jacques Lorrain

Hi David:

OK did all this and now I get just a blank page on the Net.

Am close to solving this mystery


David Bartosik MS MVP

Looking at your site I don't see where the link in question is?

btw I see you are doing a lot of underlining text. That is very bad design,
only hyperlinks should be underlined. Else how does a visitor distinguish a
hyperlink from plain text and vice versa.


The underlines hafta go! Also the color of those underlined items look too much
like the purple of a visited link, further confusing matters.

Just a matter of personal taste, but I would get rid of the "mission
(statement)", the "vision" and the "values". It is hokey to the max. I will
reserve comment on the psycho-babble that makes up the rest of the copy on the

Here is a good mission statement:

Jacques Lorrain

August 26th, 2004

Hi David:

OK problem solved. You are a genius. Had a feeling this was the trouble
because of spaces a apostrophe.

Take care and Have a Great Day


David Bartosik - MS MVP

Glad you're a happy camper. Be sure to stay tuned to my web pages on the mvp
site so you can know what I know.

hmmm, I'm a genius yet I have no chocolate chip cookies.

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