Linking Data on a Form in Access 2000



Problem: I have a simple form showing Category on main form and
Subcategories on subform. On opening the form, the first category
shown matches its subcategories below, but if I navigate to another
category, the sub-categories are not correct for the new record.

How it's set up:
Categories table with primary key CategoryId, Category Name
Subcategories table with primary key SubCategoryID, SubcategoryName,
CategoryID (set up as a Look up combo box linked to Categories table)
Queries from each of the above tables
Subform for Subcategories has SubcategoryID, Subcategory Name,
Main form has CategoryID, CategoryName and then the subform. The
Subform properties for LinkChildFields and Link Master Fields is:
CategoryID (shows subcategories for each record in categories table)
Relationships are set up with one to many from Categories table
CategoryID to Subcategories table CategoryID

My skill level: Let's just say that I know enough to think I can do
more than I can. I'm using Teach Yourself Access in 21 Days and it is
the worst how-to book I've ever tried to use. So please be very
specific and simple in any reply. Thanks!!!!

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