Linking Question



I have prepared a 240 resident database, main interest being the street
number and address since we have so many out of town owners in our
development. We have formed a civic league. I would like to prepare
different tables for the different duties of these residents, some of whom
are board members and the spouse is on the architectural committee, for

So now I have: (column)150 Main Street (column) John/Betty (column)

(His duty is Architectural Committee - Her duty is Treasurer and
she is on the Landscaping Committee as well)

How do I do a linkable table when one row shares two first names with two
and three separate duties ?

Thanks much from a newbie,


Rick Brandt

ams said:
I have prepared a 240 resident database, main interest being the street
number and address since we have so many out of town owners in our
development. We have formed a civic league. I would like to prepare
different tables for the different duties of these residents, some of whom
are board members and the spouse is on the architectural committee, for

So now I have: (column)150 Main Street (column) John/Betty (column)

(His duty is Architectural Committee - Her duty is Treasurer and
she is on the Landscaping Committee as well)

How do I do a linkable table when one row shares two first names with two
and three separate duties ?

Even if only one name per address would ever have "duties", the first names should be
in separate fields. Since you have instances where multiple people at the same
address can have duties then they should each have their own row. You either do this
in your single table and don't worry about the fact that you might (for example) send
duplicate mailings to the same address (they are still separate people after all), or
you create a separate tables of addresses which has a one-to-many relationship to a
table of names.