LNC Renaming Tool / Find and Replace9 - Access 2007


Mark Kubicki

I'm looking for a LNC renaming tool, and all of the few I've found require
me to install an add-in "Find and Replace9", which I have found and
however... it displays in the Add-ins Manager Active / Application Add-ins /
replace9.mde, as an Access add-in, yet when I go to the toolbar, under
add-ins, it does not show...

any suggestions on how to, or a better mouse trap would be great!
thanks in advance,


Mark Kubicki said:
I'm looking for a LNC renaming tool, and all of the few I've found require
me to install an add-in "Find and Replace9", which I have found and
however... it displays in the Add-ins Manager Active / Application Add-ins
/ replace9.mde, as an Access add-in, yet when I go to the toolbar, under
add-ins, it does not show...

any suggestions on how to, or a better mouse trap would be great!
thanks in advance,


I'm looking for a LNC renaming tool, and all of the few I've found require
me to install an add-in "Find and Replace9", which I have found and
however... it displays in the Add-ins Manager Active / Application Add-ins /
replace9.mde, as an Access add-in, yet when I go to the toolbar, under
add-ins, it does not show...

any suggestions on how to, or a better mouse trap would be great!
thanks in advance,

Have you followed the installation instructions found at

http://www.rickworld.com/beta.html ?


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