loop query dates



dear sir ,
thanks for kind advise i tried and succes with Copyfrom recordset method
which works fine now i beg for one more advise please like this
invoceid number(pk)
invoceddate date/time
vehiclenumber text
vehiclestock number
invoceid number(fk)
onhandquantity number
adedquantity number
addeddate date/time
rack id text
issueid text(pk)
issuedquantity number
issuedate date/time
now i want one such an query datevise between pre said dates
like (1) openingbaleceoftheday = (sum(addedquantity) - sum(issuedquantity))
between #1/1/1889 00.00# and date2 "! said date2 is the date of the text box
value on the form "
(2) storagedata for the day = selct invoiceid,qunatityadded from
storagedata where addedate = between date1 and date2 "!date1 and date2 are
saiddates on form text box
(3) total issues of the day : select sum(quantityissed) from issues where
date is =
between date1 and date2
(4) closingbalenceof the day: (openingbalenceoftheday +total issues of the
day ) - (total issues of the day) "! data recquired for every day
fine all these works
but i want to have data for each & every day between the 2 pre said dates
in one query orin spred sheet if there is no data i would like to represent
it with "0" or " nil"
how to do it please.
kindly advise.

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