Looping thru multiple files to produce a consolidated summary by Cod



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Here is the simplified problem :

Three worksheets to start with :
1. Code Table
Code Desc
A Code A Desc
B Code B Desc
C Code C Desc
D Code D Desc
E Code E Desc

2. Period1 Data
Code Value Date
B 2 .....
B 6 .....
D 3 .....

3. Period2 Data
Code Value Date
A 5 .....
B 3 .....
C 7 .....
D 4 .....
F 8 ......

Desired Output on the 4th worksheet,
considering that the F code was not in the original Code Table,
implying prompting for creation on the fly during the looping
Assume all the WorkSheets are in the same Workbook

Resulting Summary Table

Code Description Period1 Period2 Total
A Code A Desc 5 5
B Code B Desc 8 3 11
C Code C Desc 7 7
D Code D Desc 3 4 7
E Code E Desc 0 0
F Code F Desc 8 8
T O T A L 11 27 38

Can you help me,
Thank you


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