Macro code to hide rows and not calculate hidden rows




I have a large spreadsheet that self populates from another sheet dependant
on certain criteria in the master sheet.

I want to hide rows based on the absence of a particular criteria, but I
want to hide them so that user can still use the auto filter without the
hidden rows re appearing.

I would also like the hidden rows to reappear if the criteria becomes
present inthe row due to changes inthe master sheet?

Currently due to the large number of rows and complex calculations inthe
sheets I need to have calculation set to manual. this will create some
problems for my novice users, so I was wondering if it is possible to write a
code that will not calculate the hidden rows, which will reduce the number of
rows to calculate in my array formulas, and mean i can then have calculations
set to auto. I would also like to be able to turn on calcuations fo rth
ehidden rows when needed.

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