Macro Covering Many Columns, why has to be UNION



I am not understanding why this must be a UNION vs just a list of the
columns I want to change the format to make "Currency"

Why can't I just list the columns ~ if is due to limitation of # of
columns, then does anyone know how many columns can be listed.

Union(Range( _

), Range( _

Union(Range( _

), Range( _

), Range("CC:CC,CE:CE")).Select
Selection.NumberFormat = "$#,##0"

Charles C


I hope I understand what you want.

Here 2 methods:

1-Sub ArrayCol: First create an arrays, load the list, then loo
through the list.

2-Sub ColJumpOne: Looks like your want every second columns to b
affected. You can use a simple For Next step 2 then start on the colu
(CG = 85)

Sub ArrayCol()
Dim x As Integer
Dim c As Variant

c = Array("CG:CG", "CI:CI", "CK:CK", "CM:CM", "CO:CO", "CQ:CQ", "CS:CS", "CU:CU")

For x = 0 To UBound(c)
Range(c(x)).NumberFormat = "$#,##0"
Next x
End Sub

Sub ColJumpOne()
Dim x As Integer

For x = 85 To 260 Step 2
Columns(x).NumberFormat = "$#,##0"
Next x
End Su

Dana DeLouis

I am not understanding why this must be a UNION vs just a list of the
columns I want to change the format to make "Currency"

Hi. I can't tell because if works fine with Excel 2007.
There may be a limit of 30 arguments in earlier versions, although I am
not sure of that.

Would this general idea work?

Sub Demo()
Dim C As Long '(C)olumn
Dim s, e 'Start & End
Const fm As String = "$#,##0"

[J:O].NumberFormat = fm
With [W:DY]
s = .Columns(1).Column
e = s + .Columns.Count - 1
End With

For C = s To e Step 2
Columns(C).NumberFormat = fm
Next C
End Sub

= = =
Dana DeLouis

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