macro for shifting/combining and arranging data


Daniel M

I have the following data that i need to format....

"1","128MEG SDRAM 32X4 ","U2","",""
"4","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C12","100nF",""
"","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C18","100nF",""
"","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C30","100nF",""
"","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C33","100nF",""

as you can see the data is formated to import into excel.

I need to be able to 1. sort the data by column x

2. if column ComponentName is the same as another row, append column RefDes
with data in other row and update column Count by one...This may already be
done most of the time. ex:
"","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C12","100nF",""
"","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C18","100nF",""
"","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C30","100nF",""
"3", "SMT CAP 0402 100NF", "C12,C18,C30", "100nF", ""

3. i also have to figure out what to do with column 1 (count) when it is
already summed up.
"4","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C12","100nF",""
"","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C18","100nF",""
"","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C30","100nF",""
"","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C33","100nF",""

4. I would then like to sort the data by RefDes with spaces in between
different letters..

5. I would also like to take the RefDes info and combine it if possible..
if the combined data was C1, C2, C3
I would like the output to be: C1-C3

This is the basics of what i am currently doing manually. Any part of this
data sorting/manipulating i can accomplish will help. The data changes all
the time. Thanks for any help you can give!

(e-mail address removed)



For starts try this on a backup copy of your data

I hope I undersand what you are after correctly

Macro assums data is in column A to E with headers
Sorts data by Column B

starting at b2 it checks if data in B3 is the same
if it is then checks if data in C3 is already in B2
if no then adds C3 data to C2 and increase count by 1
then clears row 3 of data
Then repeats checking b2 against c4, c5 etc

if b2 not equal b3 moves on to check b3 against b4 etc

Sub Macro1()
Dim lRow As Long
Dim lStatRow As Long
Dim sTxt As String

'Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Range("A1"), _
DataType:=xlDelimited, _
TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, _
ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, _
Semicolon:=False, Comma:=True, _
Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo _
:=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), _
Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, 1))

' Sort Data
Columns("A:E").Sort Key1:=Range("B2"), _
Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:=Range("A2"), _
Order2:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:= _
False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom

lStatRow = 2
For lRow = 2 To Cells(Rows.Count, "b").End(xlUp).Row Step 1
If Cells(lRow, "b").Value <> "" Then
If Cells(lStatRow, "A") = 0 Then
Cells(lStatRow, "A") = 1
End If
If Cells(lRow, "b").Value = _
Cells(lStatRow, "b").Value Then
If InStr(1, Cells(lStatRow, "c").Value, _
Cells(lRow, "c").Value) = 0 Then
Cells(lStatRow, "c").Value = _
Cells(lStatRow, "c").Value _
& ", " & Cells(lRow, "c").Value
Cells(lStatRow, "a").Value = _
Cells(lStatRow, "a").Value + 1
End If
lStatRow = lRow
End If
end if
Next lRow
End Su

Daniel M

Thanks for the macro help! It just just about what i want it to do. I think
i can modifiy it to finish what i need to do. Thanks!!!


Daniel M

Thanks for the help. The macro works pretty well but i need some more help.
First let me recap the task...

here is the data...

"1","128MEG SDRAM 32X4 ","U2","",""
"4","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C12","100nF",""
"","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C18","100nF",""
"","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C30","100nF",""
"","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C33","100nF",""

The first row is the header. the following is the data. the range is
dynamic, meaning it could be 1 row or 30 rows long.

I need to format the data as below...

"1","128MEG SDRAM 32X4 ","U2","",""
"4","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C12, C18, C30, C33","100nF",""

basically here is what i need to the data from one row, and
ComponentName column. If the data is the same, update RefDes with the RefDes
from the duplicate row.

IE: "4","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C12","100nF",""
"","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C18","100nF",""
should be...
"4","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C12, C18","100nF",""

At this point the duplicate row should be deleted....side note: as you can
see the data already has some totalled "Count" numbers in the data. If the
data is out of order it may not have it totaled up correctly. what needs to
be done here is clear the contents of the "Count" column and place a 1 in
the cell. This way we can increment the count column every time we add to
the "RefDes" column.

Some of this works from the macro provided below however not all of it.
- The contents of the "count" column is not correct.
- The macro deletes the duplicate data but then does not resort the data so
it is full of spaces! I have to rerun the macro to corrct this.
- Sorting the data (reruning the macro) sorts the data via the
"ComponentName" column without headers so the header row is sorted...
"1","128MEG SDRAM 32X4 ","U2","",""
"4","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C12","100nF",""
"","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C18","100nF",""
"","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C30","100nF",""
"","SMT CAP 0402 100NF","C33","100nF",""

Now once the data is compared and sorted I have one last step. I would like
to format the "RefDes" column.
ie: C12, C18, C30, C33 would be for the above data.

Other data might be: C12, C13, C14, C18, C30, C33
This data should be formated C12-C14, C18, C30, C33

The last part might not be possible. The first part is close with the macro
but needs some tweaking.

Any help on cleaning this up would be appreciated. Thanks.

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