Macro Help in Pivot


Eddy Stan

Hi all,

I get run time error '1004', unable to get the pivot tables property of the
worksheet class...
please check the code below... I get biz name at B1 and region at B2
Now i want the pivot to show only biz type in b1 cell and region at b2 cell
I want to protect pivot and data sheet, dont want manager to select thro
pivot table.
Is it possible.
can you please fix the error in the code below

Sub Show_item_of_oneField()
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pf As PivotField
Dim pi As PivotItem
Dim strPromptPF As String
Dim strPromptPI As String
Dim strPF As String
Dim strPI As String

' strPromptPF = "Please enter Field Name to filter"
' strPromptPI = "Please enter Item Name to filter"
'strPF = InputBox(strPromptPF, "Field Name")
'strPI = InputBox(strPromptPI, "Item Name")
strPF = Range("b1").Value
strPI = Range("b2").Value

Set pt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
Set pf = pt.PivotFields(strPF)

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

On Error Resume Next
With pf
.AutoSort xlManual, .SourceName
For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
If pt.RowFields = strPF Then
pt.RowFields = True
pt.RowFields = False
End If

If .PivotItems = strPI Then
pi.Visible = True
MsgBox pi
pi.Visible = False
MsgBox pi
End If
Next pi
.PivotItems(strPI).Visible = True
.AutoSort xlAscending, .SourceName
End With

Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

I need the pivot to be refreshed on click of buttom (having macro).
the important thing is that the user (manager) selects "Biz type" at b1
(validation list); selects "Region" at C1 (validation list)

I want the pivot to show that biz & that region selected
-show Biz type, Region, customer, bil amount, tax1 & tax2
suppress biztype total & region total
show only customer total (bill amount, tax1, tax2)

Eddy Stan
let us come to the below after the above is sorted.
3 more pivots are related to results of this pivot,
like pivot table2:
Customer wise No.of sales, value, Noof sales return, value
for the region & biz type selected in pivot table1
a Graph is attached to pivot table2

Patrick Molloy

this can't be correct:

For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
If pt.RowFields = strPF Then
pt.RowFields = True
pt.RowFields = False
End If

you're looping thro pivot items but checking pt rowfields then trying to set
the same fiedl to true or false? What are you trying to do?

Eddy Stan

I know, that is why i have come to forum..
pl read fully.. you will see what i want. I have explain more than required.
edit my code and show how i can view my pivot depending on input in B1 & C1

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