mail merge screws up one record, others okay



Hi, (Win 2K, Off 2K)

I've got a mail merge using an Excel data source, and I've got an issue
where all my records merge fine, except for one of them (the 5th record) -
on this record, Word acts as if most of the merge fields' source doesn't
have anything (i.e. is blank where that field should show up) and combines
all those fields (plus some extras that aren't in the merge document) into
one somewhere else in the documents.

If that explanation doesn't make complete sense, then example:

Company : MergeField1
Name: MergeField2
Phone Number: MergeField3
Department: MergeField4

and for the other records, it shows up like

Company: XYZ Inc.
Name: Bob Smith
Phone Number: 800-555-1234
Department: Finance

but for record 5 I get:

Company: XYZ Inc. Jim Black 800-555-9999 Plant Manager
Phone Number:
Department: Production

And if I go to the spot where the merge field should be, and "Toggle Field
Codes" then it shows me the field code. but when I toggle back or update
field, it's blank.

What gives?

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

I'd be looking closely at the Excel spreadsheet. Are you sure that the data
for that record is actually in the individual cells or not just all in the
first cell.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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