Managed SR3 Installation Problem (GPO)



Hi All,

I had an unmanaged SR1 installation and have brought it into managed mode by
rolling out SR3 via GPO. I now have one computer with which I had to remove
office for troubleshooting purposes. When rebooted, it cannot re-apply the
installation. If I install SR1 or SR3 manually, it will be removed at the
next reboot, and again is unable to install. I get this message in event

Product: Microsoft Office 2000 SR-1 Premium -- Error 1904. Module
C:\WINNT\system32\TLBINF32.DLL failed to register. HRESULT -2147024770.
Contact your support personnel.

I know my package names are a little messed up so I'm not sure if this is an
installation or removal error. There are other event log entries that
document the removal of the unmanaged SR3 install right after this entry.

Any ideas?


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