Managed UDF Cannot Call WCF service?



I'm in a bind here:

I have a C# component implementing a UDF.
it works great (shows up in Excel, etc)

This function needs ability to make a call to a WCF Service but is not able
to do so.

It seems to be a permissions issue of some sort.

I can call the WCF From any other component just not from the UDF....

any thoughts ?

here is the err message:
System.InvalidOperationException: Could not find default endpoint element
that references contract 'GetDataServiceProxy.IGetDataService' in the
ServiceModel client configuration section. This might be because no
configuration file was found for your application, or because no endpoint
element matching this contract could be found in the client element.

Here is the calling code which was literally copied from a C# Console tester
that works great.......this bombs on the first line where I attempt to
instantiate the proxy.

GetDataServiceProxy.GetDataServiceClient UI = new
DtoGetDataRequest request = new DtoGetDataRequest(TableName, ColumnName,
Filters, Aggy);

DtoGetDataResponse response = UI.GetData(request);

return response.Value;


Doug Glancy

I understand very little of this and you say the code runs in the console,
but you're not getting any answers so I have to ask - does the double "t" in
cause the problem?


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