Manipulate Project's native tables?



Is there a way to access and manipulate Project's native tables
(particularly msp_tasks) directly within Project? Is it possible to
create and manipulate custom temporary tables and manipulate them via
SQL and DAO within Project? I'm trying to streamline a process that
uses MSAccess to extract, manipulate, and re-export data from/to
Project. I need a lot more power and flexibility than can be achieved
by iterating through each T in ActiveProject.Tasks or

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Rod Gill

Have you read an thoroughly digested the prjdb.htm file stored in one of
Project's program folders? It answers all questions on Project's database


I am thoroughly familiar with Project's data structure, and am aware of
the information in projdb.htm regarding using Project with external
databases. What I am interested in determining is whether it is
possible to access, query, and manipulate the data in Project's native
tables within Project itself. For example, is there a way to execute
SQL within a Project macro that queries MSP_TASKS in the same mpp file?
Is there a way to write something like

Dim strSQL As String
Dim qry As Recordset
strSQL = "select TASK_NAME from MSP_TASKS order by TASK_NAME"
set qry = RunSQL(strSQL)


Is there syntax that allows you to reference Project's native tables
directly within the same Project file?


Rod Gill

Yes you can use DAO or Oledb to read/write to SQL Server. There is plenty of
information on on it.

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