Mapping Annoyance


Matt Williamson

Since MS decided to hard code (or put somewhere other than the registry) as the default location for the map button
in Outlook 2003 and it can no longer be changed in the registry using the
MapScriptURL registry value, I decided to write some code to give better
options. I wrote this as a replacement to the map button on the contact form
so it only works when a contact is open and has an address set as the
mailing address.

'Code Start

Option Explicit

Public Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA"
(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String,
ByVal _
lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long)
As Long

Public Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib "user32" () As Long

Public Enum MappingService
Google = 1
Expedia = 2
Mappoint = 3
MapQuest = 4
YahooMaps = 5
End Enum

Sub openmap()
OpenMapFromContact Google
End Sub

Sub OpenMapFromContact(Map As MappingService)

Dim itm As Outlook.ContactItem, s As String
Dim sStreet As String, sCity As String, sZip As String
Dim sState As String, sURL As String, dw As Long
Dim sAddy As String

Set itm = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
With itm
sStreet = .MailingAddressStreet
sCity = .MailingAddressCity
sState = .MailingAddressState
sZip = .MailingAddressPostalCode
End With

Select Case Map
Case 1:
sAddy = Replace(sStreet & " " & sCity & " " & sState & " " & sZip, "
", "+")
sURL = "" & sAddy & "&t=h"
Case 2
sStreet = Replace(sStreet, " ", "+")
sURL =
& _
"findAMap_addressPlace_country=USA&findAMap_addressPlace_street=" &
sStreet & _
"&findAMap_addressPlace_city=" & sCity &
"&findAMap_addressPlace_state=" & sState & "&findAMap_addressPlace_zip=" &
sZip & _
Case 3
sURL = "" & sStreet &
"&city1=" & sCity & "&stnm1=" & sState & "&zipc1=" & sZip
Case 4
sURL = "" & sStreet &
"&city=" & sCity & "&state=" & sState & "&zip=" & sZip
Case 5
sAddy = Replace(sStreet & " " & sCity & " " & sState & " " & sZip, "
", "+")
sURL = "" & sAddy
End Select

dw = GetDesktopWindow

Call ShellExecute(dw, "open", sURL, vbNullString, vbNullString, 5)

End Sub

'Code End


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