Mass covertion from faction odds to decimal odds



I am hoping to shorten a very long winded manual entry of fractions b
using cut and paste!
I would like to cut and past web based fractions write in the clasi
method 1/2 6/4 extra with the next coulum then converting straigh
Would welcome any help.
many thanks


strongcoffee;1607882 said:
I am hoping to shorten a very long winded manual entry of fractions b
using cut and paste!
I would like to cut and past web based fractions write in the clasi
method 1/2 6/4 extra with the next coulum then converting straigh
Would welcome any help.
many thanks

You could create a VLOOKUP table with the fraction in the first colum
and the decimal representations in the second and use that to convert.

And shouldn't "6/4" be "1 1/2"

Ben McClave


Try the DOLLARDE function (2007/2010). It converts a fraction into decimals. For example, each of the following functions would return a value of 1.5 (assumes fraction is in cell A1):

=DOLLARDE(6/4, 1)
=DOLLARDE(0 6/4, 1)

If you use cell references, be careful to ensure that the cells containing fractions are not perceived by Excel to be dates. You can accomplish this by formatting the cells as Fractions or ensuring that the fractions are entered with a "number, space, fraction" syntax such as:

0 6/4

Hope this helps,


Living the Dream

Hi Spencer

If I am reading this correctly, and the emphasis on the word ( Odds ),
the representation of 6/4 would mean odds of 6 to 4 and the other would
1 to 2 meaning in order to win 1 dollar you would have to invest 2.

Assuming I am on the money here then 6/4 in decimal would be 1.50 and
1/2 would be 0.50... That said, I'm with you Spencer on the VLookUp.


Ben McClave


Good catch on the "Odds" piece. I missed that. Fractional odds are a little different from fractions in general. There's a great article about themat According to the article, the formula for converting fractional odds to decimal odds is:

1/(Denominator/(Numerator + Denominator))

for example, 9/4 odds translates to 3.25:

1/(4/(9+4)) = 1/(4/13) = 1/.3077 = 3.25

Using the article as a guide, you could convert a string value to a decimalwith the following formula (assuming that the fractional odds are stored as a string value in cell A1):

=1/(--RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-FIND("/",A1))/(--LEFT(A1, FIND("/",A1)-1)+--RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-FIND("/",A1))))


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