Matching Values From Two Columns



Hypothetical: I have two worksheets. Worksheet1 with
Column1:part Numbers, Column2:price; and Worksheet2 with
Column1:part Numbers, Column2: Description. I want these
sheets to be merged into one sheet and have the items line
up according to Part #. The main issue being that not all
part numbers from Worksheet1 are on Worksheet2. So my
resulting sheet should look like this:

Part#, Price, Part#, Decription
1, $5, 1, tacos
4, $4, 4, washboards
6, $2, 6, tin

Ken Wright

Assuming you select data in the 2 columns of your sheet 2 and name it Table2 using Insert / Name /
Define, then on sheet 1 in cell C1 put the following formula and copy down:-


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