Military Standard page numbering?



I've inherited a manual that has to meet a new military standard
(MIL-STD-40051-2) for page numbering.

Rather than a simple page numbering scheme of 1…99, it has to appear as
WP-nnnn-pp where the WP (for Work Packet) is a constant, nnnn is a 4-digit
Work Packet (WP) number left-padded with zeros, and pp is the page number,
restarting at 1 for each WP. So the first page of WP 1 would be numbered
WP-0001-1, the third page of WP 15 would be numbered WP-0015-3, etc. Each WP
is in its own Section.

The WP number (0001, 0005, etc) also appears in the header of each page.

The previous editor of the document did most of the numbering by hand. Which
obviously causes a lot of work when page numbers get bumped by editing and
figure and table numbers change from insertion and deletion, etc.

Can anyone give me any pointers on how to pull this off?

Doug Robbins - Word MVP on

Assuming that there is only one Section to each Work Packet and that the
first Work Packet is in the First Section, use

WP-{ SECTION \# "0000" }-{ PAGE }

You must use Ctrl+F9 to insert each pair of field delimiters { } and use
Alt+F9 to toggle off their display

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via


Thanks for the reply. That gets me close, but unfortunately WP 0001 starts
in 9th section, so the page numbers for WP 0001 look like WP 0009. I tried
simple math {SECTION \#-8 "0000"}{PAGE}. but that didn't work. I also tried
{SECTION \(#-8) "0000"}, but that didn't work either.

Can you offer any other suggestions?

PamC via

Does this work?

WP-{ ={ SECTION \# "0000" }-8 }-{ PAGE }
Thanks for the reply. That gets me close, but unfortunately WP 0001 starts
in 9th section, so the page numbers for WP 0001 look like WP 0009. I tried
simple math {SECTION \#-8 "0000"}{PAGE}. but that didn't work. I also tried
{SECTION \(#-8) "0000"}, but that didn't work either.

Can you offer any other suggestions?

Doug Robbins - Word MVP on news.microsof said:
Assuming that there is only one Section to each Work Packet and that the
first Work Packet is in the First Section, use
[quoted text clipped - 23 lines]


Very close, and I tweaked it to get the formatting correct. I ended up using:

WP-{ ={ SECTION}-8 \# "0000" }-{ PAGE }

Thanks for the help!

PamC via said:
Does this work?

WP-{ ={ SECTION \# "0000" }-8 }-{ PAGE }
Thanks for the reply. That gets me close, but unfortunately WP 0001 starts
in 9th section, so the page numbers for WP 0001 look like WP 0009. I tried
simple math {SECTION \#-8 "0000"}{PAGE}. but that didn't work. I also tried
{SECTION \(#-8) "0000"}, but that didn't work either.

Can you offer any other suggestions?

Doug Robbins - Word MVP on news.microsof said:
Assuming that there is only one Section to each Work Packet and that the
first Work Packet is in the First Section, use
[quoted text clipped - 23 lines]
Can anyone give me any pointers on how to pull this off?

PamC via

Interesting. When I tried your version I go a bookmark error-- I must have
typed something wrong. Anyway, I'm glad you got it right.

Very close, and I tweaked it to get the formatting correct. I ended up using:

WP-{ ={ SECTION}-8 \# "0000" }-{ PAGE }

Thanks for the help!
Does this work?
[quoted text clipped - 14 lines]

Doug Robbins - Word MVP on

To facilitate converting text to fields and vice-versa, use
the macros in Chapter 7 of the file that you can download from:

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via

PamC via said:
Interesting. When I tried your version I go a bookmark error-- I must
typed something wrong. Anyway, I'm glad you got it right.

Very close, and I tweaked it to get the formatting correct. I ended up

WP-{ ={ SECTION}-8 \# "0000" }-{ PAGE }

Thanks for the help!
Does this work?
[quoted text clipped - 14 lines]
Can anyone give me any pointers on how to pull this off?

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