MOPS 2007 - Splitting a project file



I have publish a project file - now the project is become too big - we want
to chop it into two chunks and give the second chunk to otherPM. I see the
quickest way is open the existing project file and 'save As' to make a
second version of it on the server, give it a differnt name, then I remove
from the second version all the tasks that will be manged by the first
version and publish. And remove the second versions tasks from the first
version. There isActual Work values from Timesheets in the file.Any problems
with my idea? Will timesheets get messed up?

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If you want to add PM into that project, i believe you don't need to split
your project, it can mess up with your schedule. you can change status
manager to new PM.
Choose your tasks who will in charge to new PM and then change status
manager in enterprise project into to new pm.
and for timesheet i think it wont get messed up, because timesheet different
with task, task will approve by PM/SM and timesheet will approve by RM.
wish you understand and hope this help you


Dale Howard [MVP]

SW --

If you attempt to split the project as you describe, there is a very
important series of steps you must follow:

1. Open the project in question and click File - Save As.
2. Save the project using the name of the new second project.
3. In the second project, select the tasks you want to delete and then
remove ALL ASSIGNED RESOURCES from those tasks.
4. When prompted about deleting actuals, click the Yes button.
5. Save the project.
6. Publish the project.
7. Delete the tasks.
8. Save the project.
9. Publish the project.
10. Close the second project and open the first project.
11. Sselect the tasks you want to delete and then remove ALL ASSIGNED
RESOURCES from those tasks.
12. If prompted about deleting actuals, click the Yes button.
13. Save the project.
14. Publish the project.
15. Delete the tasks.
16. Save the project.
17. Publish the project.

Before deleting tasks in either project, make absolutely sure that you
remove assigned resources from those those tasks. Also, you will need to
navigate to the Project Center to set the new PM as the new Owner of the
second project. The new PM will need to open the second project and set
him/herself as the Status Manager for every task in the project. Hope this

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