MultiPage Control


Patrick C. Simonds

I want to use a MultiPage control on a UserForm but I seem to be at a loss
to get it to do what I want.

If I click on Tab2 (page 2 of the MultiPage control) I want code that
selects cell A1 of the Engraving worksheet. If I then click on Tab5 (page 5
of the MultiPage control) I want code that selects cell A1 of the Trophy
worksheet. And this would be true of all 8 Tabs. I want each to bring up
it's respective worksheet with cell A1 selected.

Is this possible?

Peter T

If I follow, something like this -

Private Sub MultiPage1_Change()
Dim sShtName As String
Select Case MultiPage1.Value
Case 0: sShtName = "Sheet1"
Case 1: sShtName = "Sheet2"
Case 2: sShtName = "Sheet3"
Case Else
sShtName = Worksheets(1).Name
End Select
Application.Goto Worksheets(sShtName).Range("A1"), True

End Sub

If you want to return the current tab caption for use in a Select case

sPage = MultiPage1.Pages(MultiPage1.Value).Caption
Select Case sPage ' etc

Peter T

Patrick C. Simonds

Thank you that works great.

If I might though, is there any way in the UserForm Initialization to have
page1 of the MultiPage control be active?

Peter T

Assuming by Page1 you mean the first page whose index is 0,

Me.MultiPage1.Value = 0

But if you always want a particular 'active page' at startup just set it in
design time.

Peter T

Patrick C. Simonds

I do not see that as an option.

Peter T said:
Assuming by Page1 you mean the first page whose index is 0,

Me.MultiPage1.Value = 0

But if you always want a particular 'active page' at startup just set it
design time.

Peter T

Patrick C. Simonds

Sorry. I think what you are telling me is that which ever Page is set active
when you exit the design phase, will be the active page when ever you open
the UserForm.

Peter T

Yes that's what I meant. No harm to explicitly set the correct page too, in
say the Userform Initialize event. Just in case a nosy user has been messing
around in the VBE

Peter T

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