Multiple Corresponding Lookups


K Young

I have a couple of questions regarding lookups. I have figured out how to
populate a drop down list from another form but had a few questions about a
few specifics.

In order for me to have a drop down list populate itself from another
workspace's form drop down list I must be a member of that work space, but in
order for those items to show up in the new list I must have a view that
contains records of the options that are in the originating drop down list?
Can I have a drop down list populate from another workspace without having to
have the records of the options I want to include in the new drop down list?

As I have it right now I have the new drop down is pulling from a form with
a drop down list containing a list of clients. But the only clients that are
showing up in the new form with the lookup are one's that I have created a
record for in the originating form. In order for all the client's to show up
in the new drop down with the lookup, would I need to have a record for every
client made in its own view?

The other question is can I perform a lookup to populate a drop down and
then based on the choice of the drop down have a field below auto populate?
What I am looking to do is select a client from a drop down, and then based
on the selection have an area below, I guess it would be a multi line text
area, that would then auto populate that specific client' address. Is this
kind of thing possible??

Any information regarding these questions is greatly appreciated. Thanks in
advance as always!


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