Multiple PKI Certificates one instance of Outlook



Currently we have a program that uses Outlook, Access and VBA to read
organizational mailboxes and write the contents of emails to a central data
base and send a response back the the sender that the email has been received.

We have been given thte requirement to add the ability to add functionality
to read digitally signed/encrypted emails.

The system currently monitors 4 organizational mailboxes. One of the admins
(there are 3) logs into the system via Remote Desktop, opens outlook and the
access front end. The code in Outlook runs on each mailbox in turn to
process any mail that has arrived. Currently any email that is digially
signed or encrypted is skipped and we have to notify the originally sender to
send the signed/encrypted email to an individual who then decrypts and
forwards the unencrypted email to the system to be processed.

I, nor anyone on the team, has prior encryption experience (when it comes to
using encryption in programs). I have found Microsoft's CryptoAPI, but I do
not know enough to know if this will help me.

What I need is the ability to import the certificate for each organizational
mailbox before we process it, reply using digitial signature/encryption if
the original message was sent via one of those methods.

Can someone help me with the ability to import/export certificates


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