Multiple single subforms with same table as rowsource



Greetings all,

a few disclaimers before my question:

A) I inherited this database.
B) It is live so any changes are going to be made very slowly and
C) I am homegrown and occasionally slip into referring to things as
doo-hickies and thingamabobs.
D) The structure below is an example, that shows the inherited
structure, its not the actually database.

How this was set up:

TblBooks - (PK) BookID
TblMainPeople - (PK) PersonID, BookID (fk), Name, Type
TblOtherPeople - (PK) PersonID, BookID (fk), Name, Type

TblBooks/TblOtherpeople have a one to many relationship, which works
fine, multirecord subform filtered by a listbox. Im cool with this.

TblBooks to TblMainPeople is a different story. This is a One to
mandatory three relationship (no more no less than one Author
one publisher, and one editor).

The one author may throw some people off, but lets just say that I only
stock books that were written
by single authors; none of my books has more than one author, ok? :)

I personally, after using access for a while, would have set up three
separate tables for each type of mandatory person.

tblBooks - 1/1 - tblAuthorInfo
tblBooks - 1/1 - tblPublisherInfo
tblBooks - 1/1 - tblEditorInfo

Let me add that the TblMainPeople table has more than 4 columns, Im
just showing the relavant ones.

Here is my dillema:

Each one of these entities has to have an individual subform.

In other words, there are three bound singleform subforms on the main
books interface, which refer back to the
tblMainpeople, Each one is, obviously or not, looking at a different

FormBookinfo has:

SubFormAuthorInfo - bound to bookID and filtered by Type Author
SubFormPublisherInfo - bound to bookID and filtered by Type Publisher
SubFormEditorInfo - bound to bookID and filtered by Type Editor

All these subforms are identical.

when I split the TblMainPeople table (in a sandbox) and create new
subforms based on those new tables, Access was VERY happy.

I remember some liturature on this but its been a while and I cant find
it anymore.

Anyone have some technical ammunition I can use to convince my client
to let me split this up? Or some suggestions as to how and make this
form less memory intensive?


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