My Next Combo Box Problem

  • Thread starter Afrosheen via
  • Start date

Afrosheen via

Thanks again for reading this.

Here's what I'm trying to do. I have a Options Frame with 5 options. When I
select an option it will put all associated name with the option in the combo
box. That works good. The problem is that I need the information in column 3,
but I want the information showing from column 1. So, if I choose "Tom" it
will get the information in column 3 which may be "Unit-3". Then I want my
query to reflect everyone from Unit-3.

Here's the code. I'm not going to give all the code. You'll get the jist.

20 Select Case grpDept.Value
Case 1
30 strDept = "Administrative"
40 Case 2
50 strDept = "Food Service"
60 Case 3
70 strDept = "Maintenance"
80 Case 4
90 strDept = "Unit-3"
end select

410 cboloc.RowSource = "Select tblSupervisor.supervisor, email, SendTo " &
"From tblSupervisor " & _
"Where tblSupervisor.SendTo = '" & strDept & "' " & _
"Order by tblSupervisor.Location;"

strWhere = "tblTaps.WorkPlan=""" & Me.Combo149 & _
""" AND tblTaps.Archive=False" & _
" AND tblTaps.SendTo=""" & Me.cboloc & """"

When I do a debug.print, it shows the me.cboloc = Null

The other two parts of the strWhere work. It's just the cboloc that's giving
me the problem.

Thanks again for your help

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