Need assistance with secondary axis in Excel 2007



Hi everyone,

I ma having some difficulty with generating a secondary axis in Excel
07. The code worked in Excel 2003 but when I upgraded to 07, most of
this appears to work.

The code is below. I commented on the section that it errors on.

Sub GetData(datStart As Date, datEnd As Date, strTL As String)
Dim db As DAO.Database, rst As DAO.Recordset, qdfReports As
Dim strWHERE As String, x As Variant, intRow As Integer, fld As
Dim strSQL As String, strFROM As String, strStaffID As String, strFile
As String
Dim Name As String, y As Integer, myRange As Object, RowDel As Boolean
Dim ColMax As Integer, intRow2 As Integer
Dim r As Integer, PctDone As Single, msg As Integer, b As Integer
Dim intCol As Integer, c As Integer, strLetter As String, intRow3 As
Dim intColumns As Integer, s As Variant, intCol2 As Integer
'Dim xl As Object
Dim xl As Excel.Application

On Error GoTo GetData_Err

'This macro needs to run to distingusih HAVI testing from regular
'Macro: macDoFirst
DoCmd.RunMacro "macDoFirst"

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT Max(tmpReports.CompleteDate) AS
MaxOfCompleteDate" _
& " FROM tmpReports;")
If Forms!frmCriteria!txtEndDate > rst!MaxOfCompleteDate Then
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * from tmpReports"
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("qryReports2")
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Set qdfReports = Nothing
End If
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tmpReports SET tmpReports.UserName =" _
& " 'Susan Skidmore' WHERE (((tmpReports.UserName)='Sue
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tmpReports SET tmpReports.UserName =" _
& " 'Kimberly Van Valkenburgh' WHERE (((tmpReports.UserName)
='Kim Van Valkenburgh'));"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'Set xl = Excel.Application
With xl
.Visible = True
.Workbooks.Open "\\files-2k1\ENG\QA\Productivity Reports
.Interactive = True
.DisplayAlerts = True
.ScreenUpdating = True

'Select the correct query from what matches frmCriteria
If Not IsNull(Forms!frmCriteria!cboPlant.Value) Then
If Not IsNull(Forms!frmCriteria!cboPerson.Value) Then
If Not IsNull(Forms!frmCriteria!cboProdLine.Value)
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM
tmpReports WHERE Name = '" & _
Forms!frmCriteria!cboPlant.Value & " AND UserName
= '" & Forms!frmCriteria!cboPerson.Value & "'" _
& " AND ProductLineCode = '" & Forms!frmCriteria!
cboProdLine.Value & "' AND CompleteDate" _
& " BETWEEN #" & datStart & "# AND #" & datEnd &
.Range("A2").Value = "Plant - " & Forms!
frmCriteria!cboPlant.Value & "; Complated Production Dates: " _
& Forms!frmCriteria!txtStartDate.Value &
" And " & Forms!frmCriteria!txtEndDate.Value & ";" _
& " Employee - " & Forms!frmCriteria!
GoTo Information
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM
tmpReports WHERE Name = '" & _
Forms!frmCriteria!cboPlant.Value & "' AND
UserName = '" & Forms!frmCriteria!cboPerson.Value & "'" _
& " AND CompleteDate BETWEEN #" & datStart & "#
AND #" & datEnd & "#")
.Range("A2").Value = "Plant - " & Forms!
frmCriteria!cboPlant.Value & "; Completed Production Dates: " _
& Forms!frmCriteria!txtStartDate.Value &
" And " & Forms!frmCriteria!txtEndDate.Value
GoTo Information
End If
ElseIf Forms!frmCriteria!cboTL.Value <> "" Then
If Not IsNull(Forms!frmCriteria!cboProdLine.Value)
Select Case strTL
Case "Annette Hornbeck"
db.Execute "DELETE * FROM tblReportsAH"
db.Execute "INSERT INTO tblReportsAH
( ProductLineCode, Name, ID," _
& " NumOfSets, StartedDate,
StartedTime, LabStartDate, LabStartTime," _
& " CompleteDate, CompletedTime,
UserName ) SELECT tmpReports.ProductLineCode," _
& " tmpReports.Name, tmpReports.ID,
tmpReports.NumOfSets," _
& " tmpReports.StartedDate,
tmpReports.StartedTime, tmpReports.LabStartDate," _
& " tmpReports.LabStartTime,
tmpReports.CompleteDate, tmpReports.CompletedTime," _
& " tmpReports.UserName FROM
tmpReports WHERE (((tmpReports.UserName) In" _
& " ('Eric Brenner','James
Kring','Tammy Latimer','Archana Patel'" _
& ",'Kim Van Valkenburgh','Duc
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM
tblReportsAH WHERE Name = '" & _
Forms!frmCriteria!cboPlant.Value & "'
AND ProductLineCode = '" & Forms!frmCriteria!cboProdLine.Value & "'
AND StartedDate" _
& " BETWEEN #" & datStart & "# AND #"
& datEnd & "# ORDER BY UserName, StartedDate")
GoTo Information
Case "Dennis Connolly"
db.Execute "DELETE * FROM tblReportsDC"
db.Execute "INSERT INTO tblReportsDC
( ProductLineCode, Name, ID," _
& " NumOfSets, StartedDate,
StartedTime, LabStartDate, LabStartTime," _
& " CompleteDate, CompletedTime,
UserName ) SELECT tmpReports.ProductLineCode," _
& " tmpReports.Name, tmpReports.ID,
tmpReports.NumOfSets," _
& " tmpReports.StartedDate,
tmpReports.StartedTime, tmpReports.LabStartDate," _
& " tmpReports.LabStartTime,
tmpReports.CompleteDate, tmpReports.CompletedTime," _
& " tmpReports.UserName FROM
tmpReports WHERE (((tmpReports.UserName) In" _
& " ('Ron Erwin','Jim Fairly','Tara
Franks','Kelly Hull','Sandra Mullen'" _
& ",'Jeff Shirk','Sue Skidmore')));"
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM
tblReportsDC WHERE Name = '" & _
Forms!frmCriteria!cboPlant.Value & "'
AND ProductLineCode = '" & Forms!frmCriteria!cboProdLine.Value & "'
AND StartedDate" _
& " BETWEEN #" & datStart & "# AND #"
& datEnd & "# ORDER BY UserName, StartedDate")
GoTo Information
Case "Martin Finucane"
db.Execute "DELETE * FROM tblReportsMF"
db.Execute "INSERT INTO tblReportsMF
( ProductLineCode, Name, ID," _
& " NumOfSets, StartedDate,
StartedTime, LabStartDate, LabStartTime," _
& " CompleteDate, CompletedTime,
UserName ) SELECT tmpReports.ProductLineCode," _
& " tmpReports.Name, tmpReports.ID,
tmpReports.NumOfSets," _
& " tmpReports.StartedDate,
tmpReports.StartedTime, tmpReports.LabStartDate," _
& " tmpReports.LabStartTime,
tmpReports.CompleteDate, tmpReports.CompletedTime," _
& " tmpReports.UserName FROM
tmpReports WHERE (((tmpReports.UserName) In" _
& " ('Claude Morey','Linda
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM
tblReportsMF WHERE Name = '" & _
Forms!frmCriteria!cboPlant.Value & "'
AND ProductLineCode = '" & Forms!frmCriteria!cboProdLine.Value & "'
AND StartedDate" _
& " BETWEEN #" & datStart & "# AND #"
& datEnd & "# ORDER BY UserName, StartedDate")
GoTo Information
Case "Sharon Larsen"
db.Execute "DELETE * FROM tblReportsSL"
db.Execute "INSERT INTO tblReportsSL
( ProductLineCode, Name, ID," _
& " NumOfSets, StartedDate,
StartedTime, LabStartDate, LabStartTime," _
& " CompleteDate, CompletedTime,
UserName ) SELECT tmpReports.ProductLineCode," _
& " tmpReports.Name, tmpReports.ID,
tmpReports.NumOfSets," _
& " tmpReports.StartedDate,
tmpReports.StartedTime, tmpReports.LabStartDate," _
& " tmpReports.LabStartTime,
tmpReports.CompleteDate, tmpReports.CompletedTime," _
& " tmpReports.UserName FROM
tmpReports WHERE (((tmpReports.UserName) In" _
& " ('Sue Fisher','Brian Krohn','Gary
Marchand','Penny Pittman'," _
& "'Saskia Riley','Chue Vang')));"
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM
tblReportsSL WHERE Name = '" & _
Forms!frmCriteria!cboPlant.Value & "'
AND ProductLineCode = '" & Forms!frmCriteria!cboProdLine.Value & "'
AND StartedDate" _
& " BETWEEN #" & datStart & "# AND #"
& datEnd & "# ORDER BY UserName, StartedDate")
GoTo Information
End Select
Select Case strTL
Case "Annette Hornbeck"
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
tmpReports.ProductLineCode, tmpReports.Name," _
& " tmpReports.ID, tmpReports.NumOfSets,
tmpReports.StartedDate," _
& " tmpReports.StartedTime,
tmpReports.LabStartDate, tmpReports.LabStartTime," _
& " tmpReports.CompleteDate,
tmpReports.CompletedTime, tblEmployee.UserName" _
& " FROM tblEmployee LEFT JOIN tmpReports
ON tblEmployee.UserName" _
& " = tmpReports.UserName WHERE
tmpReports.Name = '" & Forms!frmCriteria!cboPlant.Value _
& "' AND tmpReports.CompleteDate Between
#" & datStart & "# And #" & datEnd & "#" _
& " AND tblEmployee.AH = True;"
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("Query2")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
qryReportsAll.ProductLineCode, qryReportsAll.Name," _
& " qryReportsAll.ID,
qryReportsAll.NumOfSets, qryReportsAll.StartedDate," _
& " qryReportsAll.StartedTime,
qryReportsAll.LabStartDate, qryReportsAll.LabStartTime," _
& " qryReportsAll.CompleteDate,
qryReportsAll.CompletedTime, tblemployee.UserName" _
& " FROM tblemployee LEFT JOIN
qryReportsAll ON tblemployee.UserName" _
& " = qryReportsAll.UserName WHERE
tblEmployee.AH = True ORDER BY" _
& " tblemployee.UserName,
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Query2")
.Range("A2").Value = "Plant - " & Forms!
frmCriteria!cboPlant.Value & "; Completed Production Dates: " _
& Forms!frmCriteria!
txtStartDate.Value & " And " & Forms!frmCriteria!txtEndDate.Value &
";" _
& " Team Leader - " & Forms!
GoTo Information
Case "Dennis Connolly"
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
tmpReports.ProductLineCode, tmpReports.Name," _
& " tmpReports.ID, tmpReports.NumOfSets,
tmpReports.StartedDate," _
& " tmpReports.StartedTime,
tmpReports.LabStartDate, tmpReports.LabStartTime," _
& " tmpReports.CompleteDate,
tmpReports.CompletedTime, tblEmployee.UserName" _
& " FROM tblEmployee LEFT JOIN tmpReports
ON tblEmployee.UserName" _
& " = tmpReports.UserName WHERE
tmpReports.Name = '" & Forms!frmCriteria!cboPlant.Value _
& "' AND tmpReports.CompleteDate Between
#" & datStart & "# And #" & datEnd & "#" _
& " AND tblEmployee.DC = True;"
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("Query2")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
qryReportsAll.ProductLineCode, qryReportsAll.Name," _
& " qryReportsAll.ID,
qryReportsAll.NumOfSets, qryReportsAll.StartedDate," _
& " qryReportsAll.StartedTime,
qryReportsAll.LabStartDate, qryReportsAll.LabStartTime," _
& " qryReportsAll.CompleteDate,
qryReportsAll.CompletedTime, tblemployee.UserName" _
& " FROM tblemployee LEFT JOIN
qryReportsAll ON tblemployee.UserName" _
& " = qryReportsAll.UserName WHERE
tblEmployee.DC = True ORDER BY" _
& " tblemployee.UserName,
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Query2")
.Range("A2").Value = "Plant - " & Forms!
frmCriteria!cboPlant.Value & "; Completed Production Dates: " _
& Forms!frmCriteria!
txtStartDate.Value & " And " & Forms!frmCriteria!txtEndDate.Value &
";" _
& " Team Leader - " & Forms!
GoTo Information
Case "Martin Finucane"
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
tmpReports.ProductLineCode, tmpReports.Name," _
& " tmpReports.ID, tmpReports.NumOfSets,
tmpReports.StartedDate," _
& " tmpReports.StartedTime,
tmpReports.LabStartDate, tmpReports.LabStartTime," _
& " tmpReports.CompleteDate,
tmpReports.CompletedTime, tblEmployee.UserName" _
& " FROM tblEmployee LEFT JOIN tmpReports
ON tblEmployee.UserName" _
& " = tmpReports.UserName WHERE
tmpReports.Name = '" & Forms!frmCriteria!cboPlant.Value _
& "' AND tmpReports.CompleteDate Between
#" & datStart & "# And #" & datEnd & "#" _
& " AND tblEmployee.MF= True;"
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("Query2")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
qryReportsAll.ProductLineCode, qryReportsAll.Name," _
& " qryReportsAll.ID,
qryReportsAll.NumOfSets, qryReportsAll.StartedDate," _
& " qryReportsAll.StartedTime,
qryReportsAll.LabStartDate, qryReportsAll.LabStartTime," _
& " qryReportsAll.CompleteDate,
qryReportsAll.CompletedTime, tblemployee.UserName" _
& " FROM tblemployee LEFT JOIN
qryReportsAll ON tblemployee.UserName" _
& " = qryReportsAll.UserName WHERE
tblEmployee.MF = True ORDER BY" _
& " tblemployee.UserName,
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Query2")
.Range("A2").Value = "Plant - " & Forms!
frmCriteria!cboPlant.Value & "; Completed Production Dates: " _
& Forms!frmCriteria!
txtStartDate.Value & " And " & Forms!frmCriteria!txtEndDate.Value &
";" _
& " Team Leader - " & Forms!
GoTo Information
Case "Sharon Larsen"
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
tmpReports.ProductLineCode, tmpReports.Name," _
& " tmpReports.ID, tmpReports.NumOfSets,
tmpReports.StartedDate," _
& " tmpReports.StartedTime,
tmpReports.LabStartDate, tmpReports.LabStartTime," _
& " tmpReports.CompleteDate,
tmpReports.CompletedTime, tblEmployee.UserName" _
& " FROM tblEmployee LEFT JOIN tmpReports
ON tblEmployee.UserName" _
& " = tmpReports.UserName WHERE
tmpReports.Name = '" & Forms!frmCriteria!cboPlant.Value _
& "' AND tmpReports.CompleteDate Between
#" & datStart & "# And #" & datEnd & "#" _
& " AND tblEmployee.SL = True;"
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("Query2")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
qryReportsAll.ProductLineCode, qryReportsAll.Name," _
& " qryReportsAll.ID,
qryReportsAll.NumOfSets, qryReportsAll.StartedDate," _
& " qryReportsAll.StartedTime,
qryReportsAll.LabStartDate, qryReportsAll.LabStartTime," _
& " qryReportsAll.CompleteDate,
qryReportsAll.CompletedTime, tblemployee.UserName" _
& " FROM tblemployee LEFT JOIN
qryReportsAll ON tblemployee.UserName" _
& " = qryReportsAll.UserName WHERE
tblEmployee.SL = True ORDER BY" _
& " tblemployee.UserName,
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Query2")
.Range("A2").Value = "Plant - " & Forms!
frmCriteria!cboPlant.Value & "; Completed Production Dates: " _
& Forms!frmCriteria!
txtStartDate.Value & " And " & Forms!frmCriteria!txtEndDate.Value &
";" _
& " Team Leader - " & Forms!
GoTo Information
End Select
End If
ElseIf Not IsNull(Forms!frmCriteria!cboProdLine.Value)
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tmpReports
WHERE Name = '" & _
Forms!frmCriteria!cboPlant.Value & "' AND
ProductLineCode = '" & Forms!frmCriteria!cboProdLine.Value & "' AND
StartedDate" _
& " BETWEEN #" & datStart & "# AND #" & datEnd &
"# ORDER BY tmpReports.UserName, tmpReports.StartedDate")
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("qryReportsAll")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT tmpReports.ProductLineCode,
tmpReports.Name, tmpReports.ID," _
& " tmpReports.NumOfSets, tmpReports.StartedDate,
tmpReports.StartedTime," _
& " tmpReports.LabStartDate, tmpReports.LabStartTime,
tmpReports.CompleteDate," _
& " tmpReports.CompletedTime, tblEmployee.UserName,
tblEmployee.AH FROM" _
& " tblEmployee LEFT JOIN tmpReports ON
tblEmployee.UserName=tmpReports.UserName" _
& " WHERE tmpReports.Name = '" & Forms!frmCriteria!
cboPlant.Value & "' AND tmpReports.CompleteDate" _
& " Between #" & datStart & "# And #" & datEnd & "#
And tblEmployee.IsCQATech = True;"
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("Query2")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
qryReportsAll.ProductLineCode, qryReportsAll.Name," _
& " qryReportsAll.ID, qryReportsAll.NumOfSets,
qryReportsAll.StartedDate," _
& " qryReportsAll.StartedTime,
qryReportsAll.LabStartDate, qryReportsAll.LabStartTime," _
& " qryReportsAll.CompleteDate,
qryReportsAll.CompletedTime, tblemployee.UserName" _
& " FROM tblemployee LEFT JOIN qryReportsAll ON
tblemployee.UserName" _
& " = qryReportsAll.UserName WHERE
tblEmployee.IsCQATech = True ORDER BY" _
& " tblemployee.UserName, qryReportsAll.StartedDate;"
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Query2")
.Range("A2").Value = "Plant - " & Forms!frmCriteria!
cboPlant.Value & "; Completed Production Dates: " _
& Forms!frmCriteria!txtStartDate.Value &
" and " & Forms!frmCriteria!txtEndDate.Value
GoTo Information
End If
End If

If Not IsNull(Forms!frmCriteria!cboPerson.Value) Then
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("qryReportsAll")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT tmpReports.ProductLineCode,
tmpReports.Name, tmpReports.ID," _
& " tmpReports.NumOfSets, tmpReports.StartedDate,
tmpReports.StartedTime, tmpReports.LabStartDate," _
& " tmpReports.LabStartTime, tmpReports.CompleteDate,
tmpReports.CompletedTime," _
& " tblEmployee.UserName FROM tblEmployee LEFT JOIN
tmpReports ON tblEmployee.UserName" _
& " = tmpReports.UserName WHERE tmpReports.CompleteDate
Between #" & datStart & "# And" _
& " #" & datEnd & "# AND tblEmployee.UserName = '" &
Forms!frmCriteria!cboPerson.Value & "'" _
& " ORDER BY tblEmployee.UserName,
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("qryReportsAll")
GoTo Information
End If

If IsNull(Forms!frmCriteria!cboProdLine.Value) Then
Select Case strTL
Case "Annette Hornbeck"
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("qryReportsAll")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
tmpReports.ProductLineCode, tmpReports.Name, tmpReports.ID," _
& " tmpReports.NumOfSets, tmpReports.StartedDate,
tmpReports.StartedTime," _
& " tmpReports.LabStartDate,
tmpReports.LabStartTime, tmpReports.CompleteDate," _
& " tmpReports.CompletedTime,
tblEmployee.UserName, tblEmployee.AH FROM" _
& " tblEmployee LEFT JOIN tmpReports ON
tblEmployee.UserName=tmpReports.UserName" _
& " WHERE tmpReports.LabStartDate Is Not Null AND
tmpReports.CompleteDate Between #" & datStart & "# And #" & datEnd &
"# And" _
& " tblEmployee.AH=True;"
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("Query2")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
qryReportsAll.ProductLineCode, qryReportsAll.Name," _
& " qryReportsAll.ID, qryReportsAll.NumOfSets,
qryReportsAll.StartedDate," _
& " qryReportsAll.StartedTime,
qryReportsAll.LabStartDate, qryReportsAll.LabStartTime," _
& " qryReportsAll.CompleteDate,
qryReportsAll.CompletedTime, tblemployee.UserName" _
& " FROM tblemployee LEFT JOIN qryReportsAll ON
tblemployee.UserName" _
& " = qryReportsAll.UserName WHERE tblemployee.AH
= True ORDER BY" _
& " tblemployee.UserName,
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Query2")
Case "Dennis Connolly"
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("qryReportsAll")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
tmpReports.ProductLineCode, tmpReports.Name, tmpReports.ID," _
& " tmpReports.NumOfSets, tmpReports.StartedDate,
tmpReports.StartedTime," _
& " tmpReports.LabStartDate,
tmpReports.LabStartTime, tmpReports.CompleteDate," _
& " tmpReports.CompletedTime,
tblEmployee.UserName, tblEmployee.DC FROM" _
& " tblEmployee LEFT JOIN tmpReports ON
tblEmployee.UserName = tmpReports.UserName" _
& " WHERE tmpReports.CompleteDate Between #" &
datStart & "# And #" & datEnd & "# And" _
& " tblEmployee.DC = True;"
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("Query2")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
qryReportsAll.ProductLineCode, qryReportsAll.Name," _
& " qryReportsAll.ID, qryReportsAll.NumOfSets,
qryReportsAll.StartedDate," _
& " qryReportsAll.StartedTime,
qryReportsAll.LabStartDate, qryReportsAll.LabStartTime," _
& " qryReportsAll.CompleteDate,
qryReportsAll.CompletedTime, tblemployee.UserName" _
& " FROM tblemployee LEFT JOIN qryReportsAll ON
tblemployee.UserName" _
& " = qryReportsAll.UserName WHERE tblemployee.DC
= True ORDER BY" _
& " tblemployee.UserName,
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Query2")
Case "Martin Finucane"
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("qryReportsAll")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
tmpReports.ProductLineCode, tmpReports.Name, tmpReports.ID," _
& " tmpReports.NumOfSets, tmpReports.StartedDate,
tmpReports.StartedTime," _
& " tmpReports.LabStartDate,
tmpReports.LabStartTime, tmpReports.CompleteDate," _
& " tmpReports.CompletedTime,
tblEmployee.UserName, tblEmployee.MF FROM" _
& " tblEmployee LEFT JOIN tmpReports ON
tblEmployee.UserName=tmpReports.UserName" _
& " WHERE tmpReports.CompleteDate Between #" &
datStart & "# And #" & datEnd & "# And" _
& " tblEmployee.MF=True;"
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("Query2")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
qryReportsAll.ProductLineCode, qryReportsAll.Name," _
& " qryReportsAll.ID, qryReportsAll.NumOfSets,
qryReportsAll.StartedDate," _
& " qryReportsAll.StartedTime,
qryReportsAll.LabStartDate, qryReportsAll.LabStartTime," _
& " qryReportsAll.CompleteDate,
qryReportsAll.CompletedTime, tblemployee.UserName" _
& " FROM tblemployee LEFT JOIN qryReportsAll ON
tblemployee.UserName" _
& " = qryReportsAll.UserName WHERE tblemployee.MF
= True ORDER BY" _
& " tblemployee.UserName,
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Query2")
Case "Sharon Larsen"
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("qryReportsAll")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
tmpReports.ProductLineCode, tmpReports.Name, tmpReports.ID," _
& " tmpReports.NumOfSets, tmpReports.StartedDate,
tmpReports.StartedTime," _
& " tmpReports.LabStartDate,
tmpReports.LabStartTime, tmpReports.CompleteDate," _
& " tmpReports.CompletedTime,
tblEmployee.UserName, tblEmployee.SL FROM" _
& " tblEmployee LEFT JOIN tmpReports ON
tblEmployee.UserName=tmpReports.UserName" _
& " WHERE tmpReports.CompleteDate Between #" &
datStart & "# And #" & datEnd & "# And" _
& " tblEmployee.SL=True;"
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("Query2")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
qryReportsAll.ProductLineCode, qryReportsAll.Name," _
& " qryReportsAll.ID, qryReportsAll.NumOfSets,
qryReportsAll.StartedDate," _
& " qryReportsAll.StartedTime,
qryReportsAll.LabStartDate, qryReportsAll.LabStartTime," _
& " qryReportsAll.CompleteDate,
qryReportsAll.CompletedTime, tblemployee.UserName" _
& " FROM tblemployee LEFT JOIN qryReportsAll ON
tblemployee.UserName" _
& " = qryReportsAll.UserName WHERE tblemployee.SL
= True ORDER BY" _
& " tblemployee.UserName,
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Query2")
Case Else
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("qryReportsAll")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
tmpReports.ProductLineCode, tmpReports.Name, tmpReports.ID," _
& " tmpReports.NumOfSets, tmpReports.StartedDate,
tmpReports.StartedTime," _
& " tmpReports.LabStartDate,
tmpReports.LabStartTime, tmpReports.CompleteDate," _
& " tmpReports.CompletedTime,
tblEmployee.UserName, tblEmployee.IsCQATech FROM" _
& " tblEmployee LEFT JOIN tmpReports ON
tblEmployee.UserName=tmpReports.UserName" _
& " WHERE tmpReports.CompleteDate Between #" &
datStart & "# And #" & datEnd & "# And" _
& " tblEmployee.IsCQATech=True;"
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("Query2")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
qryReportsAll.ProductLineCode, qryReportsAll.Name," _
& " qryReportsAll.ID, qryReportsAll.NumOfSets,
qryReportsAll.StartedDate," _
& " qryReportsAll.StartedTime,
qryReportsAll.LabStartDate, qryReportsAll.LabStartTime," _
& " qryReportsAll.CompleteDate,
qryReportsAll.CompletedTime, tblemployee.UserName" _
& " FROM tblemployee LEFT JOIN qryReportsAll ON
tblemployee.UserName" _
& " = qryReportsAll.UserName WHERE
tblemployee.IsCQATech = True ORDER BY" _
& " tblemployee.UserName,
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Query2")
End Select
.Range("A2").Value = "Completed Production Dates: " &
datStart & " and " & datEnd
Select Case strTL
Case "Annette Hornbeck"
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("qryReportsAll")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
tmpReports.ProductLineCode, tmpReports.Name, tmpReports.ID," _
& " tmpReports.NumOfSets, tmpReports.StartedDate,
tmpReports.StartedTime," _
& " tmpReports.LabStartDate,
tmpReports.LabStartTime, tmpReports.CompleteDate," _
& " tmpReports.CompletedTime,
tblEmployee.UserName, tblEmployee.IsCQATech FROM" _
& " tblEmployee LEFT JOIN tmpReports ON
tblEmployee.UserName = tmpReports.UserName WHERE" _
& " tmpReports.ProductLineCode = " & Forms!
frmCriteria!cboProdLine.Value & " AND" _
& " tmpReports.CompleteDate Between #" & datStart
& "# And #" & datEnd & "# AND" _
& " tblEmployee.AH = True;"
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("Query2")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
qryReportsAll.ProductLineCode, qryReportsAll.Name," _
& " qryReportsAll.ID, qryReportsAll.NumOfSets,
qryReportsAll.StartedDate," _
& " qryReportsAll.StartedTime,
qryReportsAll.LabStartDate, qryReportsAll.LabStartTime," _
& " qryReportsAll.CompleteDate,
qryReportsAll.CompletedTime, tblemployee.UserName" _
& " FROM tblemployee LEFT JOIN qryReportsAll ON
tblemployee.UserName" _
& " = qryReportsAll.UserName WHERE tblemployee.AH
= True ORDER BY" _
& " tblemployee.UserName,
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Query2")
Case "Dennis Connolly"
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("qryReportsAll")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
tmpReports.ProductLineCode, tmpReports.Name, tmpReports.ID," _
& " tmpReports.NumOfSets, tmpReports.StartedDate,
tmpReports.StartedTime," _
& " tmpReports.LabStartDate,
tmpReports.LabStartTime, tmpReports.CompleteDate," _
& " tmpReports.CompletedTime,
tblEmployee.UserName, tblEmployee.IsCQATech FROM" _
& " tblEmployee LEFT JOIN tmpReports ON
tblEmployee.UserName = tmpReports.UserName WHERE" _
& " tmpReports.ProductLineCode = " & Forms!
frmCriteria!cboProdLine.Value & " AND" _
& " tmpReports.CompleteDate Between #" & datStart
& "# And #" & datEnd & "# AND" _
& " tblEmployee.DC = True;"
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("Query2")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
qryReportsAll.ProductLineCode, qryReportsAll.Name," _
& " qryReportsAll.ID, qryReportsAll.NumOfSets,
qryReportsAll.StartedDate," _
& " qryReportsAll.StartedTime,
qryReportsAll.LabStartDate, qryReportsAll.LabStartTime," _
& " qryReportsAll.CompleteDate,
qryReportsAll.CompletedTime, tblemployee.UserName" _
& " FROM tblemployee LEFT JOIN qryReportsAll ON
tblemployee.UserName" _
& " = qryReportsAll.UserName WHERE tblemployee.DC
= True ORDER BY" _
& " tblemployee.UserName,
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Query2")
Case "Martin Finucane"
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("qryReportsAll")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
tmpReports.ProductLineCode, tmpReports.Name, tmpReports.ID," _
& " tmpReports.NumOfSets, tmpReports.StartedDate,
tmpReports.StartedTime," _
& " tmpReports.LabStartDate,
tmpReports.LabStartTime, tmpReports.CompleteDate," _
& " tmpReports.CompletedTime,
tblEmployee.UserName, tblEmployee.IsCQATech FROM" _
& " tblEmployee LEFT JOIN tmpReports ON
tblEmployee.UserName = tmpReports.UserName WHERE" _
& " tmpReports.ProductLineCode = " & Forms!
frmCriteria!cboProdLine.Value & " AND" _
& " tmpReports.CompleteDate Between #" & datStart
& "# And #" & datEnd & "# AND" _
& " tblEmployee.MF = True;"
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("Query2")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
qryReportsAll.ProductLineCode, qryReportsAll.Name," _
& " qryReportsAll.ID, qryReportsAll.NumOfSets,
qryReportsAll.StartedDate," _
& " qryReportsAll.StartedTime,
qryReportsAll.LabStartDate, qryReportsAll.LabStartTime," _
& " qryReportsAll.CompleteDate,
qryReportsAll.CompletedTime, tblemployee.UserName" _
& " FROM tblemployee LEFT JOIN qryReportsAll ON
tblemployee.UserName" _
& " = qryReportsAll.UserName WHERE tblemployee.MF
= True ORDER BY" _
& " tblemployee.UserName,
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Query2")
Case "Sharon Larsen"
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("qryReportsAll")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
tmpReports.ProductLineCode, tmpReports.Name, tmpReports.ID," _
& " tmpReports.NumOfSets, tmpReports.StartedDate,
tmpReports.StartedTime," _
& " tmpReports.LabStartDate,
tmpReports.LabStartTime, tmpReports.CompleteDate," _
& " tmpReports.CompletedTime,
tblEmployee.UserName, tblEmployee.IsCQATech FROM" _
& " tblEmployee LEFT JOIN tmpReports ON
tblEmployee.UserName = tmpReports.UserName WHERE" _
& " tmpReports.ProductLineCode = " & Forms!
frmCriteria!cboProdLine.Value & " AND" _
& " tmpReports.CompleteDate Between #" & datStart
& "# And #" & datEnd & "# AND" _
& " tblEmployee.SL = True;"
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("Query2")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
qryReportsAll.ProductLineCode, qryReportsAll.Name," _
& " qryReportsAll.ID, qryReportsAll.NumOfSets,
qryReportsAll.StartedDate," _
& " qryReportsAll.StartedTime,
qryReportsAll.LabStartDate, qryReportsAll.LabStartTime," _
& " qryReportsAll.CompleteDate,
qryReportsAll.CompletedTime, tblemployee.UserName" _
& " FROM tblemployee LEFT JOIN qryReportsAll ON
tblemployee.UserName" _
& " = qryReportsAll.UserName WHERE tblemployee.SL
= True ORDER BY" _
& " tblemployee.UserName,
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Query2")
Case Else
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("qryReportsAll")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
tmpReports.ProductLineCode, tmpReports.Name, tmpReports.ID," _
& " tmpReports.NumOfSets, tmpReports.StartedDate,
tmpReports.StartedTime," _
& " tmpReports.LabStartDate,
tmpReports.LabStartTime, tmpReports.CompleteDate," _
& " tmpReports.CompletedTime,
tblEmployee.UserName, tblEmployee.IsCQATech FROM" _
& " tblEmployee LEFT JOIN tmpReports ON
tblEmployee.UserName = tmpReports.UserName WHERE" _
& " tmpReports.ProductLineCode = '" & Forms!
frmCriteria!cboProdLine.Value & "' AND" _
& " tmpReports.CompleteDate Between #" & datStart
& "# And #" & datEnd & "# AND" _
& " tblEmployee.IsCQATech = True;"
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set qdfReports = db.QueryDefs("Query2")
qdfReports.SQL = "SELECT
qryReportsAll.ProductLineCode, qryReportsAll.Name," _
& " qryReportsAll.ID, qryReportsAll.NumOfSets,
qryReportsAll.StartedDate," _
& " qryReportsAll.StartedTime,
qryReportsAll.LabStartDate, qryReportsAll.LabStartTime," _
& " qryReportsAll.CompleteDate,
qryReportsAll.CompletedTime, tblemployee.UserName" _
& " FROM tblemployee LEFT JOIN qryReportsAll ON
tblemployee.UserName" _
& " = qryReportsAll.UserName WHERE
tblemployee.IsCQATech = True ORDER BY" _
& " tblemployee.UserName,
Set qdfReports = Nothing
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Query2")
End Select
.Range("A2").Value = "Product Line - " & Forms!
frmCriteria!cboProdLine.Value & "; Completed Production Dates: " _
& datStart & " and " & datEnd
End If

Information: 'Load the information into the Excel sheet
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmProgressBar"
ColMax = 13
Do Until rst.EOF
.ActiveCell.Value = rst!Name
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = rst!ProductLineCode
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = rst!ID
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value = 1
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).HorizontalAlignment = -4108
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value = rst!NumOfSets
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).HorizontalAlignment = -4108
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value = rst!StartedDate
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 6).Value = rst!StartedTime
If rst!ProductLineCode = "0EPS" Then
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 7).Value = rst!LabStartDate
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 8).Value = rst!LabStartTime
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 7).Value = rst!CompleteDate
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 8).Value = rst!CompletedTime
End If
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 9).Value = rst!UserName

If rst!ProductLineCode = "0EPS" Then
If IsNull(rst!LabStartDate) Or rst!LabStartDate = ""
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10).Value = 0
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 11).FormulaR1C1 = 0
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10).Value = TestTime(rst!
StartedDate, rst!StartedTime, rst!LabStartDate, rst!LabStartTime)
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 11).FormulaR1C1 = "=INT(RC
End If
If IsNull(rst!CompleteDate) Or rst!CompleteDate = ""
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10).Value = 0
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 11).FormulaR1C1 = 0
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10).Value = TestTime(rst!
StartedDate, rst!StartedTime, rst!CompleteDate, rst!CompletedTime)
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 11).FormulaR1C1 = "=INT(RC
End If
End If

.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10).HorizontalAlignment = -4108
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 11).HorizontalAlignment = -4108

Select Case .ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value
Case "0EPS"
Select Case rst!Name
Case "Argentina", "Australia", "Campbellford",
"Lodi", "Tijuana", "Tumwater", "United Kingdom"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 3

Case "Atlacomulco", "Aurora", "Lancaster",
"Mason", "Plant City", "Quitman"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 5

Case "Corona", "Horse Cave", "Leola", "Leola
South", "Lithonia", "Waxahachie"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 10

Case Else
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = "No Days
End Select

Case "0LID"
Select Case rst!Name
Case "Corona"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 2

Case "Leola"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 11

Case "Horse Cave"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 12

Case "Randleman"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 5

Case "Tijuana"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 8
End Select

Case "0OPS"
Select Case rst!Name
Case "Corona"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 3

Case "Leola"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 7

Case "Horse Cave"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 8
End Select

Case "0PET"
Select Case rst!Name
Case "Randleman"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 5
End Select

Case "0PPC"
Select Case rst!Name
Case "Leola", "Horse Cave"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 4
End Select

Case "CCUP"
Select Case rst!Name
Case "Leola"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 4

Case "Randleman"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 6
End Select

Case "PCCP"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 2

Case "DELI"
Select Case rst!Name
Case "Leola"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 2
End Select

Case "IDIN"
Select Case rst!Name
Case "Leola", "Horse Cave"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 2
End Select

Case "EXTF"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 4

Case "PEPS"
Select Case rst!Name
Case "Argentina", "Atlacomulco", "Aurora",
"Australia", "Campbellford", _
"Lancaster", "Leola", "Mason", "Plant
City", "Tijuana", "Tumwater", _
"United Kingdom", "Horse Cave"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 2

Case "Corona", "Lodi", "Quitman",
"Waxahachie", "Lithonia"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 3
End Select

Case "HAVI"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 5

Case "FILM"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = 0

Case Else
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = "Not Mentioned"
End Select

.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).HorizontalAlignment = -4108
If .ActiveCell.Offset(0, 7).Value = "" Then
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 13).Value = 0
'Divide by 480 because it = 8 hours * 60 minutes
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 13).FormulaR1C1 = "=INT(RC[-3]/
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 13).NumberFormat = "0"
End If

If .ActiveCell.Offset(0, 13).Value > .ActiveCell.Offset(0,
12).Value Then
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 13).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 13).Interior.Pattern = 1
End If

.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 13).HorizontalAlignment = -4108
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 13).NumberFormat = 0
.ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

'Update the ProgressBar
Forms!frmProgressBar!ProgressBarB.Width = _
(Forms!frmProgressBar!ProgressBarA.Width /
rst.RecordCount) * rst.AbsolutePosition
Forms!frmProgressBar!lblPercent.Caption = Format
(rst.AbsolutePosition / rst.RecordCount, "Percent")
Forms!frmProgressBar!ProgressBarB.Width = _
(Forms!frmProgressBar!ProgressBarA.Width /
rst.RecordCount) * rst.RecordCount
Forms!frmProgressBar!lblPercent.Caption = "100.00%"

.ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
.ActiveCell.Value = "Note: End Dates that are before the
Completed Dates are" _
& " Lab End Dates for Plain Foam Cup"
intRow = .ActiveCell.Row
.Range("A" & intRow & ":N" & intRow).Select
.Selection.Font.Italic = True

If Forms!frmCriteria!cboPerson.Value <> "" Then
Call WeightFactor
GoTo EndGetData
End If
'Sum each persons productions
If .ActiveCell.Value = "" And .ActiveCell.Offset(1,
0).Value = "" Then
Exit Do
ElseIf .ActiveCell.Value = .ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Value
.ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
.ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
.Rows(.ActiveCell.Row & ":" & .ActiveCell.Offset(1,
.Selection.Insert Shift:=1
If .ActiveCell.Offset(0, 13).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 13).Interior.ColorIndex =
.ActiveCell.Offset(1, 13).Interior.ColorIndex =
End If
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Select
.Selection.Borders(5).LineStyle = -4142
.Selection.Borders(6).LineStyle = -4142
.Selection.Borders(7).LineStyle = -4142
With .Selection.Borders(8)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = -4138
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
.Selection.Borders(9).LineStyle = -4142
.Selection.Borders(10).LineStyle = -4142
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
.Selection.Borders(5).LineStyle = -4142
.Selection.Borders(6).LineStyle = -4142
.Selection.Borders(7).LineStyle = -4142
With .Selection.Borders(8)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = -4138
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
.Selection.Borders(9).LineStyle = -4142
.Selection.Borders(10).LineStyle = -4142
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select
'Find out how many cells to go up.
x = -1
If IsNumeric(.ActiveCell.Offset(x, 0).Value) And
Not .ActiveCell.Offset(x, 0).Value = "" Then
x = x - 1
Exit Do
End If
.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[" & x + 1 & "]C:R[-1]
.ActiveCell.Font.Color = 255
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[" & x +
1 & "]C:R[-1]C)"
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Copy
If .ActiveCell.Value <> "" Then
.ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Exit Do
End If
.ActiveCell.PasteSpecial -4163
.ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 6).Copy
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Select
.ActiveCell.PasteSpecial -4163
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Font.Color = 255
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10).Select
.Selection.Borders(5).LineStyle = -4142
.Selection.Borders(6).LineStyle = -4142
.Selection.Borders(7).LineStyle = -4142
With .Selection.Borders(8)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = -4138
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
.Selection.Borders(9).LineStyle = -4142
.Selection.Borders(10).LineStyle = -4142
x = -1
If IsNumeric(.ActiveCell.Offset(x, 0).Value) And
Not .ActiveCell.Offset(x, 0).Value = "" Then
x = x - 1
Exit Do
End If
.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=AVERAGE(R[" & x & "]C:R[-1]
.ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "0.0"
.ActiveCell.Font.Color = 255
.ActiveCell.Offset(2, -4).Select
End If

'Sum Sheet2 and sort in decending order (Z-A)
If .ActiveCell.Value <> "" Then
.ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
.ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Select
intRow = .ActiveCell.Row
Exit Do
End If
.Range("A1:C" & intRow).Select
.Range("A1:C" & intRow).Sort .Cells(1, 1), 2
x = 1
If .ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Value <> "" Then
.ActiveCell.Value = x
x = x + 1
.ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Exit Do
End If
If .ActiveCell.Value = "" Then
intRow = .ActiveCell.Row
Exit Do
.ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[-" & intRow - 2 & "]C:R[-1]
.Selection.Font.Bold = True


'Stacked Bar Chart

.Selection.Delete -4162

Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("TRANSFORM Sum(Query2.NumOfSets) AS
SumOfNumOfSets SELECT" _
& " Query2.ProductLineCode FROM Query2 GROUP BY
Query2.ProductLineCode PIVOT Query2.UserName;")


For Each fld In rst.Fields
.Selection.Borders(5).LineStyle = -4142
.Selection.Borders(6).LineStyle = -4142
With .Selection.Borders(7)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With .Selection.Borders(8)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With .Selection.Borders(9)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With .Selection.Borders(10)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With .Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 15
.Pattern = 1
End With
.ActiveCell.Value = fld.Name
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
x = x + 1
Next fld

intCol = .ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Column
.ActiveCell.Offset(1, -intCol).Select

Do Until rst.EOF
For Each fld In rst.Fields
.ActiveCell.Value = fld.Value
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
Next fld
.ActiveCell.Offset(1, -intCol).Select

Set rst = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
RowDel = False
If .Range("A2").Value = "" Then
RowDel = True
End If

intRow = .ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Row

.Range("B" & intRow).Select
.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[-" & intRow - 2 & "]C:R
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
y = y + 1
Loop Until .ActiveCell.Offset(-intRow + 1, 0).Value = ""

.Sheets("Sheet4").Move After:=.Sheets(4)
.Range("B" & intRow).Select
.ActiveCell.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1, y)).Select
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1").Select
.Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=-4163, Operation:=-4142,
SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=True
.Application.CutCopyMode = False
.Selection.Sort Key1:=.ActiveCell, Order1:=2, Header:=0, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=1, _
.Sheets("Sheet5").Move After:=.Sheets(5)

If .ActiveCell.Value = "" Then Exit Do
Name = .ActiveCell.Value
If .ActiveCell.Value = Name Then
If .ActiveCell.Value = "" Then
Exit Do
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
End If
Exit Do
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
End If
.ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

.Selection.Delete Shift:=-4162
.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
.Application.DisplayAlerts = True

c = 0
Do Until .ActiveCell.Value = ""
c = c + 1
.ActiveCell.Value = c
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
intCol2 = .ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Column
If RowDel = True Then
Set myRange = .Worksheets("Sheet5").Range(.Cells(1,
1), .Cells(intRow - 2, c + 1))
Set myRange = .Worksheets("Sheet5").Range(.Cells(1,
1), .Cells(intRow - 1, c + 1))
End If

.ActiveChart.ChartType = 52
.ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=myRange, PlotBy:=1
.ActiveChart.Location WHERE:=1
With .ActiveChart
.HasTitle = True
.ChartTitle.Characters.Text = "Individual Parts Inspected
by Product Line - " & Forms!frmCriteria!txtStartDate.Value & " to " &
.Axes(1, 1).HasTitle = True
.Axes(1, 1).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = "Employee"
.Axes(2, 1).HasTitle = True
.Axes(2, 1).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = "# of Parts"
End With
.ActiveChart.HasDataTable = False


For x = 1 To .ActiveChart.Legend.LegendEntries.Count
With .Selection.Border
.Weight = 2
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
.Selection.Shadow = False
.Selection.InvertIfNegative = False
.Selection.Interior.Pattern = 1
Next x

x = 1
Select Case .ActiveCell.Value
Case "0EPS"
With .Selection.Border
.Weight = 1
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
.Selection.Shadow = False
.Selection.InvertIfNegative = False
With .Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 1
.Pattern = 1
End With
Case "0LID"
With .Selection.Border
.Weight = 1
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
.Selection.Shadow = False
.Selection.InvertIfNegative = False
With .Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 39
.Pattern = 1
End With
Case "0OPS"
With .Selection.Border
.Weight = 1
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
.Selection.Shadow = False
.Selection.InvertIfNegative = False
With .Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 19
.Pattern = 1
End With
Case "DELI"
With .Selection.Border
.Weight = 1
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
.Selection.Shadow = False
.Selection.InvertIfNegative = False
With .Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 35
.Pattern = 1
End With
Case "PEPS"
With .Selection.Border
.Weight = 1
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
.Selection.Shadow = False
.Selection.InvertIfNegative = False
With .Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 8
.Pattern = 1
End With
.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 8
Case "0PPC"
With .Selection.Border
.Weight = 1
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
.Selection.Shadow = False
.Selection.InvertIfNegative = False
With .Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 7
.Pattern = 1
End With
Case "CCUP"
With .Selection.Border
.Weight = 1
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
.Selection.Shadow = False
.Selection.InvertIfNegative = False
With .Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 41
.Pattern = 1
End With
Case "0PET"
With .Selection.Border
.Weight = 1
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
.Selection.Shadow = False
.Selection.InvertIfNegative = False
With .Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 4
.Pattern = 1
End With
Case "IDIN"
With .Selection.Border
.Weight = 1
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
.Selection.Shadow = False
.Selection.InvertIfNegative = False
With .Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 27
.Pattern = 1
End With
Case "EXTF"
With .Selection.Border
.Weight = 1
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
.Selection.Shadow = False
.Selection.InvertIfNegative = False
With .Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 3
.Pattern = 1
End With
Case "HAVI"
With .Selection.Border
.Weight = 1
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
.Selection.Shadow = False
.Selection.InvertIfNegative = False
With .Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 43
.Pattern = 1
End With
Case "FILM"
With .Selection.Border
.Weight = 1
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
.Selection.Shadow = False
.Selection.InvertIfNegative = False
With .Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 53
.Pattern = 1
End With
Case "Gloss"
With .Selection.Border
.Weight = 1
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
.Selection.Shadow = False
.Selection.InvertIfNegative = False
With .Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 10
.Pattern = 1
End With
End Select
x = x + 1
.ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Loop Until .ActiveCell.Value = ""

'Add Data Totals & Percent to the Stacked Bar Chart
(.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.Count).Values = _
"=Sheet5!R" & intRow &
"C2: R" & intRow & "C" & c + 1
(.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.Count).Name = "=""Totals"""
(.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.Count).ChartType = 4
With .Selection.Border
.Weight = 2
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
With .Selection
.MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = -4142
.MarkerForegroundColorIndex = -4142
.MarkerStyle = -4142
.Smooth = False
.MarkerSize = 5
.Shadow = False
End With
(.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.Count).ApplyDataLabels _
AutoText:=True, LegendKey:=False, ShowSeriesName:=False,
ShowCategoryName:=False, _
ShowValue:=True, ShowPercentage:=False,
With .Selection
.HorizontalAlignment = -4108
.VerticalAlignment = -4108
.ReadingOrder = -5002
.Position = 0
.Orientation = -4128
End With
With .Selection.Border
.ColorIndex = 2
.Weight = 2
.LineStyle = 1
End With
msoGradientHorizontal, 1, 0.36
With .Selection
.Fill.Visible = True
.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 2
End With

y = .ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.Count - 1

'Creating the background and average line
If IsNull(Forms!frmCriteria!cboPlant.Value) And IsNull(Forms!
frmCriteria!cboPerson.Value) _
And IsNull(Forms!frmCriteria!cboProdLine.Value) And strTL
= "" Then
With .ActiveChart
.HasAxis(1, 1) = True
.HasAxis(1, 2) = True
.HasAxis(2, 1) = True
.HasAxis(2, 2) = True
End With
.ActiveChart.Axes(1, 1).Select
.ActiveChart.Axes(1, 1).CategoryType = -4105
.ActiveChart.Axes(1, 2).Select 'Here is where the code
blows up.
.ActiveChart.Axes(1, 1).CategoryType = -4105
.Range("B" & intRow + 1).Select
If .ActiveCell.Value = "" Then
intRow3 = .ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Row
Exit Do
End If
.ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C/Sheet2!R" & intRow3 &
.Selection.AutoFill Destination:=.ActiveCell.Range("A1:" &
GetColumnLetter(intCol2 - 1) & "1"), Type:=0
.ActiveCell.Range("A1:" & GetColumnLetter(intCol2 - 1) &
.Selection.Style = "Percent"
.Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00%"
.ActiveChart.Axes(1, 2).Select
y = .ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.Count
.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(y).XValues = "=Sheet5!R" &
intRow + 1 & "C2:R" & intRow + 1 & "C" & intCol
.ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=INT(Sheet2!R" & intRow3 &
intRow = .ActiveCell.Row
.Selection.AutoFill Destination:=.ActiveCell.Range
("A1:Q1"), Type:=0
y = 0
y = .ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.Count
.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(y).Values = "=Sheet5!R" &
intRow & "C2:R" & intRow & "C18"
.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(y).Name = "=""Average"""
.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(y).AxisGroup = 2
.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(y).ChartType = 4
With .Selection.Border
.ColorIndex = 56
.Weight = 2
.LineStyle = 1
End With
With .Selection
.MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = -4142
.MarkerForegroundColorIndex = -4142
.MarkerStyle = -4142
.Smooth = False
.MarkerSize = 5
.Shadow = False
End With
y = 0
y = .ActiveChart.Legend.LegendEntries.Count
ElseIf IsNull(Forms!frmCriteria!cboPlant.Value) And IsNull
(Forms!frmCriteria!cboPerson.Value) _
And IsNull(Forms!frmCriteria!cboProdLine.Value) And strTL
<> "" Then
With .ActiveChart
.HasAxis(1, 1) = True
.HasAxis(1, 2) = True
.HasAxis(2, 1) = True
.HasAxis(2, 2) = False
End With
.ActiveChart.Axes(1, 1).CategoryType = -4105
.ActiveChart.Axes(1, 2).CategoryType = -4105
.Range("B" & intRow + 1).Select
Do Until .ActiveCell.Value = ""
.ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
intRow2 = .ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Row
.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C/Sheet2!R" & intRow2 &
Do Until .ActiveCell.Value = ""
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
b = .ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Value
Select Case b
Case 1
strLetter = "A"
Case 2
strLetter = "B"
Case 3
strLetter = "C"
Case 4
strLetter = "D"
Case 5
strLetter = "E"
Case 6
strLetter = "F"
Case 7
strLetter = "G"
Case 8
strLetter = "H"
Case 9
strLetter = "I"
Case 10
strLetter = "J"
Case 11
strLetter = "K"
Case 12
strLetter = "L"
Case 13
strLetter = "M"
Case 14
strLetter = "N"
Case 15
strLetter = "O"
Case 16
strLetter = "P"
Case 17
strLetter = "Q"
Case 18
strLetter = "R"
Case 19
strLetter = "S"
Case 20
strLetter = "T"
Case 21
strLetter = "U"
Case 22
strLetter = "V"
Case 23
strLetter = "W"
Case 24
strLetter = "X"
Case 25
strLetter = "Y"
Case 26
strLetter = "Z"
End Select
.Range("B" & intRow + 1).Select
.Selection.AutoFill Destination:=.ActiveCell.Range("A1:" &
strLetter & "1"), Type:= _
.ActiveCell.Range("A1:" & strLetter & "1").Select
.Selection.Style = "Percent"
.Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00%"
.ActiveChart.Axes(1, 2).Select
y = .ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.Count
.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(y).XValues = "=Sheet5!R" &
intRow + 1 & "C2:R" & intRow + 1 & "C" & intCol

.ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT Int(Sum
(tmpReports.NumOfSets)/21) AS AverageSets" _
& " FROM tmpReports WHERE tmpReports.StartedDate
Between #" & _
[Forms]![frmCriteria]![txtStartDate] & "# And #" &
[Forms]![frmCriteria]![txtEndDate] & "#;")
.ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=INT(" & rst!AverageSets & ")"
intRow = .ActiveCell.Row
.Selection.AutoFill Destination:=.ActiveCell.Range("A1:" &
strLetter & "1"), Type:=0
y = 0
y = .ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.Count
.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(y).Values = "=Sheet5!R" &
intRow & "C2:R" & intRow & "C" & b + 1
.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(y).Name = "=""Average"""
.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(y).AxisGroup = 2
.ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(y).ChartType = 4
With .Selection.Border
.ColorIndex = 56
.Weight = 2
.LineStyle = 1
End With
With .Selection
.MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = -4142
.MarkerForegroundColorIndex = -4142
.MarkerStyle = -4142
.Smooth = False
.MarkerSize = 5
.Shadow = False
End With
y = 0
y = .ActiveChart.Legend.LegendEntries.Count
End If
End With

msg = MsgBox("Do you wish to run the Weight Factor Report?",
vbYesNo, _
"Run Weight Factor Report?")

xl.Sheets("Sheet1").Name = "Data"
xl.Sheets("Sheet2").Name = "Rank"
xl.Sheets("Chart1").Name = "Ind. Parts Chart"
xl.Sheets("Sheet5").Name = "Ind. Parts Table"

If msg = vbYes Then
Call WeightFactor

'Add Weight Factor Values to the report
xl.Workbooks.Open FileName:="J:\QA\Productivity Reports
xl.Sheets("Sheet1").Copy After:=xl.Workbooks

'Delete sheets that are no longer needed

'Rename the sheets
xl.Sheets("Sheet7").Name = "Weight Factor Rank"
xl.Sheets("Sheet8").Name = "Weight Factor Table"
xl.Sheets("Chart2").Name = "Weight Factor Chart"
xl.Sheets("Sheet1").Name = "Weight Factor Conv. Sheet"
End If


msg = MsgBox("Do you wish to save the file at this time?",
vbYesNo, "Save File")
If msg = vbYes Then
xl.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "J:\QA\Productivity Reports\" & _
InputBox("Please type a filename...", "Save As") & ".xls"
MsgBox "File saved as " & xl.ActiveWorkbook.FullName
End If

xl.Application.Visible = True
xl.Application.Interactive = True
xl.Application.DisplayAlerts = True
xl.Application.ScreenUpdating = True
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmProgressBar", acSaveNo
Set rst = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub

If Err = 2100 Then
Resume Next
ElseIf Err = 91 Then
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmProgressBar", acSaveNo
Set rst = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, , Err.Number
Resume GetData_Err_Exit
End If

End Sub

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