Need help data consolidation multiple workbooks


Chuck Harkes

Tom Ogilvy was gracious enough to post the following piece of code
which I can modify to do pretty much what I want. However, I would
prefer to actually open each workbook using the "getopenfilename
multiselect=true method" as I need to perform some other actions on
the files before consolidating them. Since I haven't dealt much with
arrays I'm a bit confused about how to modify the pieces of code that
have to do with the array. Following is the piece of code. Would
appreciate any input. Thank you!:

Sub Totals()
Const MAXBOOK As Long = 20
Dim i%, SheetArg$()
Dim sPath1 As String
ReDim SheetArg(1 To MAXBOOK)

Dim sPath As String, sFile As String
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("SumTotal") _
sPath = "D:\Timelist\Data\"
i = 0
sPath1 = "D:\TimeList\Data\*.xls"
sFile = Dir(sPath1)
Do While sFile <> ""
i = i + 1
SheetArg(i) = "'" & sPath & _
"[" & sFile & "]Total'!R1C2:R16384C3"

sFile = Dir()
' For i = 1 To MAXBOOK
' Debug.Print i, SheetArg(i)
' Next

ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SumTotal"). _
Range("A1").Consolidate _
Sources:=Array(SheetArg), _
Function:=xlSum, _
TopRow:=False, _
LeftColumn:=False, _

End Sub

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