Need help finding information in my Web site

  • Thread starter Debra @ Alleluia!
  • Start date

Debra @ Alleluia!

I recently took over the IT position at a church, and one of the big things
they need done is to keep the Web page updated. I am only vaguely familiar
with web design and FrontPage. The main page contains a section with
announcements, and I can see the page that refers to the announcement detail,
but I can't find where the detail is kept.

To see the site, go to The area is on the default
page on the right column.

From this, can anyone help my find the details the ID #'s are referencing?

Here is the code for the announcements section of this page (or the page
that comes up if you follow the "click here for more announcements" link):

<!--#include virtual="/includes/conn.asp"-->
<!--#include virtual="/includes/MPconn.asp"-->
ID = request.querystring("ID")
<!--#include virtual="/includes/header.asp"-->
<!-- updated 6/8/04-->
<!-- Main Section: News, SubSection: Article detail -->
<table cellpadding=15 cellspacing=0 border=0 width="100%" height="100%">
<td width="100%" valign=top class="TextCopy"
<!-- start main content -->
<span class="header">Announcements...</span>
linebreak = chr(10)

set rs = MPconn.execute("select ID, Headline, Date, Article from Headlines
(nolock) where ID = " & ID)
if not rs. eof then
set MyFileObject = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if MyFileObject.FileExists
("d:\inetpub\public\alleluialutheran\news\photos\" & ID & ".jpg") then
<img src="/news/photos/<%=ID%>.jpg" align=right>
end if

article = rs("article")
if instr(article, linebreak) then
article = replace(article, linebreak, "<br>")
end if
response.write article

end if
<!-- end main page content -->
<!--#include virtual="/includes/footer.asp"-->

Thank you,

David Berry

They are being kept in a database on the server. The details of the
announcement are shown in the detail.asp page using the ID number associated
with it in the database.

If you're going to maintain this site you will need to learn about ASP
Coding and look at the database on the server.

Debra @ Alleluia!

Thanks for taking a look. I figured out that it was in a database (or at
least that si what i thought), but can you tell me anything about where that
is located on the server, what it's name is (or extension), or how I can
access it?

Thanks again for your help.

David Berry

It's probably a Microsoft Access database which would have a .MDB extension.
As to where it's kept, in order to connect to a database using ASP there has
to be a connection string. The code you sent has 2 included files in it:

<!--#include virtual="/includes/conn.asp"-->
<!--#include virtual="/includes/MPconn.asp"-->

Based on the name it looks like one of these has the connection string in
it. Look in those files and see there's a database name and/or path. If
the developer used a DSN-Less connection you'll see it. If it's a DSN
connection, ex: DSN=mydatabase then you'll need to contact your web host
and ask them where the DSN points to.

Debra @ Alleluia!

Thank you for your help. It pointed me in the right direction. The
databases are actuall held on the server by our Web Hosting provider. When I
gave the tech the names of the databases, he knew where to go, and now I am

Thanks again. Obviously, I have a lot to learn about site maintenance, but
your help and patience will help me sleep at night again.

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