Need help formatting rows of text within a single cell



Try this and format the cell to word wrap:

=A1&CHAR(10)&A2&CHAR(10)&A3 etc.

CHAR(10) = line feed

-----Original Message-----
I am looking to have a single cell contain rows of text
pulled from other cells within a conditional formula. I
am struggling to make each row within the cell show up in
a separate line within the cell. Is their a way to enter
(Alt Enter) into a formula such that it puts the next set
of results in a successive row down within the cell?
i.e., within a single cell, I'd like to see:
=text from cell A1
=text from cell A2
=text from cell A3

The actual formula looks like this:
=(IF(AB6=0,"","A: "&AB6&","))&
(IF(AD6=0,""," B: "&AD6&","))&
(IF(AC6=0,""," C: "&AC6&","))&
(IF(AE6=0,""," D: "&AE6&","))&
(IF(AF6=0,""," E: "&AF6&","))&
(IF(AH6=0,""," F "&AH6&","))&
(IF(AG6=0,""," G: "&AG6&","))&
(IF(AK6=0,""," H: "&AK6&","))&
(IF(AJ6=0,""," I: "&AJ6&","))&
(IF(AI6=0,""," J: "&AI6&","))&
(IF(AL6=0,""," K: "&AL6&","))&
(IF(AA6=0,""," L: "&AA6&","))&
(IF(AM6=0,""," M: "&AM6))

I'd like the output to be in the same format as the
formula, but it's all running together instead.

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