need template for printed music collection


Freddy Keys

My lifetime collection of several thousand items of printed music for piano,
for organ, and for keyboard needs organizing. My printed music includes sheet
music, method books, piano-specific song books, organ-specific song books,
keyboard- and synth-specific song books, fake books (melody & chord symbols),
and numerous miscellaneous music theory items. I am well versed with music
but am a rank amateur with the many nuances of creating a database. I believe
I'm not the only person who has ever attempted this kind of project and hope
to benefit from the experience of those who have traveled this path before
me. Please help me.

Fred Doerr


I would suggest reading up on some basic database concepts. You would
probably need to decide what information you want in your database, and why.
For instance, every item will have a certain type (e.g., piano sheet music,
organ sheet music, piano song book, organ song book), a date acquired, a
cost, an author or creator, etc. This article might be helpful...

There are many other good articles out there to read up on, and some good
googling will teach you a lot. Hope this helps!



Go to this page it is microsoft templates. go to the databases and there you
will find several databases already built and can be downloaded. Although you
may not find one EXACTLY how you want it, you can modify it to you needs
which is much easier than building from scratch. However, it sound like what
your asking for is pretty basic I think the templates will help you out. Give
it try!

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