Network Group Policy Refresh is requerying my datasheets!

  • Thread starter Danny J. Lesandrini
  • Start date

Danny J. Lesandrini

One of the clients using our Access database (Client linked to MDB data) has
a Machiavellian policy of forcing a refresh of the network group policies
every 5 minutes.

This causes embedded subform datasheets to requery, forcing the cursor into
the first cell of the first row of the datasheet. However, this only happens
when the form was opened with a filter criteria passed in the DoCmd.OpenForm

Microsoft has examined the problem and said we should rewrite the application
and remove all code that opens forms with a filter criteria. I just don't believe
it has to be that way, but I can't find a solution.

Has anybody ever seen this sort of behavior before, and if so, how can you
prevent a form from being required every 5 minutes by events outside of Access?


If you are the network administrator you should do just that - administer.
This means that you need to set rules for users that will allow the d base to
function to everyone's best interests and if they can't (or won't) adhear to
the rules then it's not too hard to restict thier level of rights on any
multi-user d base. There are numerous ways to do this. Your 1st link should
be the main and simply search on method to do what you want.

Danny J. Lesandrini


I appreciate the effort, but I don't even understand what you wrote.

I'm not a network guy, and don't understand group policies at all. My first
suggestion was to relax the policy, but that's not going to happen. I was
just hoping that a fellow Access developer has run across this and found
a solution to the problem.

Refreshing group policies forces Access to requery subforms on filtered
parent forms. This doesn't make sense to me, but I've reproduced it, and
so has Microsoft.

In a perfect world, someone will tell me which Registry entry to set to zero,
and the problem will go away. Alternatively, I'll be redeisgning this program
to avoid setting filter criteria when opening any form.

Gary Townsend \(Spatial Mapping Ltd.\)

SO it's only if your open a form with a filter criteria? or does it do it
whenever you apply a filter criteria even after the form is open?

DO you lose your filter criteria? or is it just a plain requery without
losing your filter?

Gary Townsend
Spatial Mapping Ltd.

Danny J. Lesandrini

I haven't tested it after having applied a right-click type filter and same thing.
If I unfilter the form by clicking on the Unfilter button, no problem. It's the
filter that makes the difference, no matter how it gets there.

The filter criteria isn't lost and nothing else changes. Users noticed this when
they were typing in the Zoom box for memo fields, and the policy refreshed,
moving the cursor to the first field of the datasheet, which was a limit-to-list
drop down box. Inserting a memo-field's worth of text into it made for some
unhappy users.

Here is the DOS command I execute to force the group policy.
gpupdate /target:user /force

Thanks for your thoughts. I know this is an odd one. I'm in the process of
redesigning the app to avoid filters, but that seems hokey.

Gary Townsend \(Spatial Mapping Ltd.\)

I'm afraid i've never hit this issue so i can't be much help i am jsut
trying to get a handle on theproblem tosee if i need to check my apps for
this glitch. I hope you will post a solution if ou find one

Gary Townsend
Spatial Mapping Ltd.

Danny J. Lesandrini


Thanks for taking an interest. To test if you have the issue, simply
open a filtered form with a subform that has a couple of records.
Place the cursor in row 2, column 3 and leave it overnight. When you
come in the next morning, if the cursor is in row 1 column 1, then
your group policy refresh caused the same issue.

What makes this a problem is the network admin's insistance that
the policy be reapplied/refreshed every 5 minutes. It probably
does happen to apps of yours that are on networks with such group
policies, but if it doesn't happen while you're editing a record, you
would never notice it.

Danny J. Lesandrini
(e-mail address removed)

"Gary Townsend (Spatial Mapping Ltd.)" wrote ...

Tony Toews

Danny J. Lesandrini said:
This causes embedded subform datasheets to requery, forcing the cursor into
the first cell of the first row of the datasheet. However, this only happens
when the form was opened with a filter criteria passed in the DoCmd.OpenForm

Interesting. Can you use the WhereConditions instead? I've hardly
ever used the filter criteria.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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Danny J. Lesandrini

Perhaps I didn't explain it correctly. I do use the WhereCondition, but the
effect of it is to apply a filter. I have never used the filter argument and
I forget it's even there. Sorry for the confusion.

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