New Inspector word editor crash Outlook 2003



Hi all,

I have a rather interesting issue with Outlook 2003. When a create a new
email message using automation outlook will crash if I try to request the
word editor(GetWordEditor) during the new inspector event.

My settings
1. I have Word selected as my default HTML editor. So every new message
uses word.
2. Every thing works perfect when I create a new message using Outlook menu
or new message button. (No Issues at all)

Here is the scenario the breaks.

From button command in main window
CComPtr<IDispatch> spDisp;
HRESULT hr = m_spApplication->raw_CreateItem(Outlook::eek:lMailItem, &spDisp);

if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && spDisp)
CComPtr<Outlook::_MailItem> spMailItem;
hr = spDisp->QueryInterface(__uuidof(Outlook::_MailItem),
if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && spMailItem)

// This will generate the "new" inspector event.

In the new inspector
if(m_spInspector->GetEditorType() == Outlook::eek:lEditorWord)
m_bEditorIsWord = TRUE;

KABOOOOOM !!!!<<<<<<<<<<<<

KABOOOOOM !!!! The dispatch pointer is NULL!!! Uhg!!!!

IF I comment out the faulty lines of code -- surprisingly --- the new
message will invoke the HTML editor and NOT the word editor. STRANGE!! This
happens on every machine I have tested this on.

Has anybody run into this issue?

Tom -


More info ....

I switched the email editor to HTML only and it still fails. It appears to
me that the inspector is returning a bad value for GetEditorType()


Never mind - I found an error in my code

Tom said:
More info ....

I switched the email editor to HTML only and it still fails. It appears to
me that the inspector is returning a bad value for GetEditorType()

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

FWIW, when NewInspector() fires you get what are called weak object
references for the Inspector and for the Inspector.CurrentItem. This is a
worst case with WordMail and with Outlook 2007 or later. My rule of thumb is
to only check for Inspector.CurrentItem.Class or CurrentItem.MessageClass in
that event and to defer anything else to the first Inspector.Activate()
event handler on the Inspector. By that time the object references are
strong and fully fleshed out.

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