new mail notification does not go away


Rien Doorn

Normally Entourage shows a yellow envelope in the dock icon as an indication
for new mail. When this new mail has all been read, the little yellow
envelope disappears. Not anymore. The yellow envelope stays forever. If I
keep my Entourage icon in the dock it even stays after I quit Entourage. If
I do not keep Entourage in the dock, the envelope has gone after I quit and
relaunch entourage. I have not found a solution yet but hope somebody can
help me. It is not an essential problem but quite annoying.


I noticed this, too. The 11.2.6 update di not help, either. Neither did
rebuilding the mail database. Let's hope someone at Microsoft decides
to look into this.



I do not know the answer to your problem, but just a clarification
about how that envelope icon is supposed to work: the envelope is
supposed to disappear as soon as you make Entourage your active
application, regardless of whether you have read your new emails or

Rien Doorn

I found the solution. The problem was the Menufela Application Enhancer. I
disabled that and Entourage behaves normally again.

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