no menu while editing a *.csv file readonly

  • Thread starter Jean-Francois Ortolo
  • Start date

Jean-Francois Ortolo

Hi all

I apologize for my bad english.

In order to export to Excel from my web site the $csv variable
content, with all lines terminated by \n, and whose records are
separated by a semi-colon ; , I transmit $csv value as a get parameter
on this way: "script.php?csv=" . urlencode($csv) inside a classic link
<a href= , that's right for the table appears well under Calc of Open
Office 2.0 ( Fedora Core 4 and firefox 1.5 browser ).

The export is being made as a *.csv file export, which makes Open
Office integrated spreadsheet run well on my computer.

So the Calc spreadsheet runs well, then the table appears on the
screen, however there is no menu on the Calc windows, which makes
printing unavailable.

I'm under Linux Fedora Core 4 32 bits, and Open Office 2.0.

I know the *.csv file being downloaded and printed inline on the
screen, is readonly, but that shouldn't imply the absence of menu on the
Calc windows, isn't it ?

Here are the PHP instructions in the PHP script which makes the export:

$csv = $_REQUEST['csv'];

header("Pragma: public");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate");
$header = "Content-length: " . strlen($csv);
header("Content-type: application/");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=monfichier.csv");


You can see the result, on the urls below ( choose a horse race in
the list-box ):

The export link, is below the button: "Méthode d'Utilisation des
Statistiques", itself below the "Panneau de Configuration".

Many greetings to you, for saying to me whether or not you get
successful printing on a printer, from the export link.

Many thanks for your responses.

Best regards.

Jean-François Ortolo

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