"Not a Valid Alias Name" Error




I have an Access dbase that I built in Access 2000. I am
attempting to operate it on a computer with Access 2002.
When I attempt to run a particular report, I get 'Not a
Valid Alias Name' error. Several queries build this
report, and I have narrowed it down to the particular
query that gives this error. I have chopped it up several
ways, and cannot figure out the error. It runs fine on my
Access 2000 version, but I need it to work on the 2002
version. I have several other queries for imports and
forms for this dbase, but none of those give me this
error. Below is the SQL string for this query:

SELECT [Productivity Data Report 70 - Determine
Productivity Standards].[Task Date], [Productivity Data
Report 70 - Determine Productivity Standards].[Shift
Code], [Productivity Data Report 70 - Determine
Productivity Standards].[Activity Type], [Productivity
Data Report 70 - Determine Productivity Standards].
[Activity Type Description], [Productivity Data Report 70 -
Determine Productivity Standards].[Employee Name], Sum
([Productivity Data Report 70 - Determine Productivity
Standards].[Adj Prod Perc]) AS [SumOfAdj Prod Perc]
FROM [Productivity Data Report 70 - Determine Productivity
GROUP BY [Productivity Data Report 70 - Determine
Productivity Standards].[Task Date], [Productivity Data
Report 70 - Determine Productivity Standards].[Shift
Code], [Productivity Data Report 70 - Determine
Productivity Standards].[Activity Type], [Productivity
Data Report 70 - Determine Productivity Standards].
[Activity Type Description], [Productivity Data Report 70 -
Determine Productivity Standards].[Employee Name];

Any help would be appreciated,

James Brown


I would advise that its something to do with your "AS [SumOfAdj Prod Perc]"
bit, because an alias is when you rename a field (usually using the AS
statement). Maybe try using something less dodgy like [SumOfAdjProdPerc],
because characters like spaces are never good in tables and queries.


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